Thursday, January 2, 2014

Friday, January 3- TRUST IN THE LORD

Friday, January 3
Wait for the Lord and keep his way…”
Psalm 37:34
When a missionary from India was asked how she knew that God was always by her side, she would often reply: “Because I always attain victory.” And it was true: she encountered success in all of her endeavors, because God was on her side. When the Lord says: “I will grant you your heart’s desires,” it doesn’t mean that He will give us whatever we want, but rather that our continual communion with Him has awakened within us the same purposes that God has for us. God’s intimate companionship with us is such that His desires become our own. This is how He grants us our hearts’ desires.
When General McArthur entered the Bay of Tokyo on September 1, 1945, at the end of the Second World War, and spoke with the enemy, he referred to the “improvement of human character,” and concluded:  *“This improvement must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.”  This is the greatest task we have as human beings.
*[The actual quote from McArthur’s speech: “The problem basically is theological and involves a spiritual recrudescence and improvement of human character that will synchronize with our almost matchless advances in science, art, literature and all material and cultural developments of the past two thousand years, It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.”]
Prayer: Lord, we thank you for your promise to always be by our side. Amen

Espera en Jehová y guarda su camino
y él te ensalzará…”
Salmo 37:34
Cuando se le preguntaba a una misionera de la India cómo sabía que Dios siempre la acompañaba, ella solía responder: “Porque siempre alcanzo la victoria”. Efectivamente, en todas sus actividades alcanzaba éxito, porque Dios estaba de su parte. Cuando el Señor dice: “Te daré las peticiones de tu corazón”, no quiere decir que nos cumplirá todo capricho, sino que nuestra prolongada comunión con él ha despertado en nuestro ser los mismos propósitos que Dios abriga; se digna concedernos tan íntimo compañerismo que sus deseos  son los nuestros. Por eso nos concede las peticiones del corazón.
Cuando el 1ro de Septiembre de 1945, el General McArthur  entró en  la Bahía de Tokio, al terminar la Segunda Guerra Mundial y habló con el enemigo, se refirió  al “mejoramiento humano” y concluyó: “Este mejoramiento debe ser ante todo espiritual, si queremos salvar lo material”. He aquí la tarea más grande del ser humano.

Oración: Gracias Señor, por tu promesa de que siempre estás a nuestro lado. Amén.

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