Saturday, March 21, 2015


Sunday, March 22
the pain of others should always move us
ROMANS 12:9-18

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”
Romans 12:15

A few years ago, in the year 2000 to be exact, I had the opportunity to travel to the city of Sao Paulo, in Brazil.  I had been invited to attend a Seminar for Christian Military from Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa.

One evening, as part of our group was strolling along the streets of that populous city, I was able to observe a girl approaching us on the sidewalk.  She was probably eight or ten years old and was blowing something inside of a plastic bag.  I was curious and asked my companions what that girl was blowing inside of that bag and they all looked at me in surprise and said:
“Very simple, she’s inhaling glue, which is a cheap and easy way of taking drugs.” 

I immediately began to cry.  When asked for the reason for my tears, I answered that in my country it was almost impossible to imagine such a scene.

All at once, all those who were with me began to cry, and then I was the one who asked: “And why are you crying now?”

One of them replied:

“We are crying because in our countries this scene is so normal that it doesn’t surprise us anymore.

Prayer: Lord, we pray that we will always have enough sensitivity in order to be surprised and moved to compassion by the pain of others. Amen.

El dolor ajeno siempre debe conmovernos
ROMANOS 12:9-18

“Gozaos con lo que se gozan;
llorad con los que lloran”

Hace algunos años, exactamente en el año 2000, tuve la oportunidad de viajar a la ciudad de Sao Paulo, en Brasil. Se trataba de una convocatoria a un Taller para Militantes Cristianos de América Latina, el Caribe y África.
Una noche en que parte del grupo paseaba por las calles de aquella populosa ciudad, pude observar que por la acera avanzaba una niña, que posiblemente tendría unos ocho o diez años soplando algo dentro de una bolsa de plástico. Me sentí curiosa y le pregunte a mis compañeros, qué era lo que hacía esa niña soplando en aquella bolsa y todos me miraron asombrados y dijeron:
- Es muy simple, ella esta inhalando pegamento, que es una forma de drogarse fácil y barata.
Inmediatamente comencé  llorar. Cuando me preguntaron la causa de mi llanto, contesté que en mi país resultaba prácticamente imposible contemplar una escena semejante.
Al unísono, todos los que me acompañaban comenzaron a llorar, entonces fui yo quien preguntó:
- Y ustedes  ¿por qué lloran?
Uno de ellos me respondió:
- Nosotros lloramos porque en nuestros países esta escena  es tan normal que ya no nos asombra.

Oración: Señor, te rogamos que siempre tengamos la suficiente sensibilidad para que podamos asombrarnos y conmovernos con el dolor ajeno. Amén

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