Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday, September 12 SO THAT THE WORLD MAY BELIEVE JOHN 17:20-26

Monday, September 12
JOHN 17:20-26

…that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.
John 17:21

The world is this place where we all live, including those who do not confess any faith or who manifest a faith different from ours.

Throughout many decades our society has seen these differences as the cause of disunity, with diversity making it impossible to achieve unity.

In light of this, our faith communities should build themselves into a sign of unity in a world that prefers the establishment of borders and the creation of islands.  We need for others to see us among them as a Church united in its diversity, in which no one feels like a foreigner or excluded.

Let us live our lives by the verses of the song:

By joining our hands, we are united in our walk;
May weariness be left behind us along the way.
Let us sow love, tenderness, friendship;
Let us carry and bestow the Peace of Christ.

Prayer: Father, grant that we may be light in the midst of darkness.  Enable us to be examples of unity and to share your hope amid uncertainty. Amen. 

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