Saturday, April 1, 2017

Saturday, April 1 A DEVOTED LIFE 2 TIMOTHY 4:1-8

Saturday, April 1
2 TIMOTHY 4:1-8
 I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

2 Timothy 4:7
As we began to prepare this trimester of the devotional Su Voz we were startled by the news that Pastor Carlos Piedra had entered an intensive care unit. It is both right and necessary that we begin our devotional time praying for this servant of God who has produced so much fruit for the Cuban Church and for ecumenism. I met Pastor Piedra some years ago, at a presbytery meeting. I was struck by his thin and agile figure which could not sit still, his hands always in the air as his wise words tried to clarify with force some complicated matter of the organization and mission of the Church. Although he seemed agitated, all his words were irrefutable and from time to time a joke would escape from his lips which formed half a smile. Thus, it was with somewhat sweet but timely and prophetic words. Then I realized that the Sunday School lessons that we received in the Church and that we called “Piedra's Little Pages" were the fruit of his sacrificial labor and of his profound communion with God through reflection on the Word and a vital prayer life. Today is an opportune time to be inspired by Carlos Piedra, a man who has devoted what he is and what he has, to the service of God. Let us accompany our intercessory prayer with gratitude for having his testimony to inspire our journey…
In concluding this reflection, we received the news of Pastor Carlos Piedra’s death. Let these words be a simple homage to his life.

Prayer: God of history, we give you thanks for the life and the legacy of this servant of yours, Pastor Carlos Piedra, now in your presence, and for the fruits you have permitted him to harvest during his ministry.

Translated by John Potter

2 TIMOTEO 4:1-8
He peleado la buena batalla,
he acabado la carrera, he guardado la fe
2 Timoteo 4:7
Al comenzar a preparar este trimestre del devocionario Su Voz, nos sobrecogió la noticia del ingreso del pastor Carlos Piedra en una sala de terapia intensiva. Es justo y necesario que comencemos nuestro tiempo devocional orando por este siervo de Dios que tantos frutos ha cosechado para la iglesia cubana y para el ecumenismo. Conocí al pastor Piedra hace algunos años en un encuentro presbiteral. Me llamaba la atención su figura delgada y ágil, que no podía mantenerse quieta. Sus manos siempre en el aire, reafirmaban sus sabias palabras que intentaban dilucidar con vehemencia asuntos complicados sobre la organización y la misión de la Iglesia. Parecía molesto, sin embargo, todo lo que decía era irrefutable y de vez en cuando se le escapa un chiste en el discurso y una media sonrisa. Así era, de palabra poco melosa, pero sí oportuna y profética. Luego me di cuenta de que las hojas impresas con lecciones de Escuela Dominical que recibíamos en la Iglesia a la que llamábamos “las hojitas de Piedra”, eran fruto de su labor sacrificada y su profunda comunión con Dios a través de la      reflexión de la Palabra y la vida orante. Hoy es un día oportuno para dejarnos inspirar por Carlos Piedra, un hombre que ha entregado lo que es y lo que tiene al servicio de Dios. Acompañemos nuestra oración intercesora, con la gratitud por contar con su testimonio que inspira nuestro camino… Al concluir esta reflexión, nos llegó la noticia del fallecimiento del Pastor Carlos Piedra. Sean estas palabras un sencillo homenaje a su vida.

Oración: Dios de la historia, te damos gracias por la vida y el legado de este siervo tuyo, el pastor Carlos Piedra, ahora en tu presencia y por los frutos que le has permitido cosechar durante su ministerio. 

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