Friday, July 7, 2017


Friday, July 7
He humbled you by letting you hunger,
then by feeding you with manna, with which neither you nor your ancestors were acquainted,
in order to make you understand that one does not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.

Deuteronomy 8:3 (NRSV)

How difficult it is to understand suffering! How often when things happen that distress us do we think that God has forgotten us! It has happened to me on several occasions when I had to be with friends going through a rough stretch and they, knowing of my faith, would ask me how it was possible that God would permit this to happen.

I like to think of a God who suffers with us, who comforts us. When our life becomes difficult and we feel that we don’t have the strength to keep going, God, who suffers with us, offers us a different comfort, one which we had not known before. Like the Israelites in the desert, we are invited to nourish ourselves so that we can recover our strength. It is a different nourishment that does not try to avoid the problems, nor does it let us be overwhelmed.

Surely in our lives we have endured afflictions and surely, we will have them again. May God grant when that happens that we not think of God as permitting it, but that we may surrender to his love, allow him to feed us as He knows how, and emerge strengthened to continue our way.

Prayer: Lord, in my times of suffering, I ask for comfort and the confidence that you will never abandon me.  Amen.

Translation by John Potter

Y te afligió, y te hizo tener hambre, y te sustentó con maná,
comida que no conocías tú, ni tus padres la habían conocido,
para hacerte saber que no sólo de pan vivirá el hombre,
más de todo lo que sale de la boca de Jehová vivirá el hombre.

Deuteronomio 8:3
¡Qué difícil entender el sufrimiento! ¡Cuántas veces cuando nos pasan cosas que nos afligen, pensamos que Dios se ha olvidado de nosotros! Me ocurrió en varias ocasiones tener que acompañar a amigos que estaban atravesando momentos difíciles y que ellos, conociendo mi fe, me cuestionaran cómo era posible que Dios permitiera que les ocurriera eso.
Me gusta pensar en un Dios que sufre con nosotros, que nos consuela. Cuando nuestra vida se torna difícil, cuando sentimos que no tenemos fuerzas para seguir caminando, Dios, que sufre con nosotros, nos brinda un consuelo diferente, algo que no conocíamos antes, y como los israelitas en el desierto, somos invitados a alimentarnos para recobrar las fuerzas. Es un alimento diferente, no se trata de evitar los problemas, ni de dejarnos abatir.
Seguramente en nuestras vidas hemos pasado aflicciones y seguramente volveremos a tenerlas. Quiera Dios que cuando esto nos ocurra, en lugar de pensar cómo es que Dios lo permite, podamos entregarnos a su amor, dejar que nos alimente como Él sabe, y salgamos fortalecidos para continuar nuestro camino.

Oración: Señor, en mis momentos de sufrimiento, te pido consuelo y confianza de que nunca me abandonarás. Amén.

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