Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday, October 1 73rd Anniversary of the Evangelical Theological Seminary at Matanzas Day of the Elderly in Cuba SALVATION IS UNIVERSAL ZECHARIAH 8:20-23

This is one more issue of our Su Voz devotional designed to be very useful for the daily meditations of our faith communities.

This specific quarter, covering the months of October to December 2019 has been submitted by the brothers and sisters of the Presbytery of Matanzas.

The lessons revealed in these reflections help us today to train ourselves as better Christians and to prepare ourselves more as every day we are confronted by situations which we must overcome.

Again, we must thank God for tremendous help in the preparation of our devotional, as well as the brothers and sisters of the Presbytery of Matanzas for their collaboration with God.

May God bless and accompany us
in this end of the year
and throughout all of the next!

Tuesday, October 1
73rd Anniversary of the Evangelical Theological Seminary at Matanzas
Day of the Elderly in Cuba


Many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem, and to entreat the favor of the Lord.
Zechariah 8: 22 (NRSV)
Living without God entails improvising solutions that are not always successful. It means creating our path while we are walking it, stumbling at every moment, searching for happiness in the wrong place. It is lacking shelter in the storm. But God is patient, forgiving and merciful enough to receive all who seek him at any time and in any place. God receives all those who preferred to test their luck, even when they turn their backs to God. In his sovereign will, God touches the hearts of some and then uses them to proclaim his message to many more. In this way those who hear God’s voice and obey are bridges of good will so that all may attain the salvation announced by the prophet Zechariah.
Through their witness, many can have an encounter with God, and in this way,  salvation will have a universal reach. God is for everyone; he draws us together and helps us to follow him on the path blazed by his light.
Prayer: Lord, let me be an instrument to take the knowledge of your truth to others, to those seeking an encounter with you. Amen.

Translated by John Potter

Aniversario 73 del Seminario Evangélico de Teología de Matanzas
Día de la ancianidad en Cuba

 ZACARÍAS 8:20-23

…Vendrán a Jerusalén muchos pueblos y naciones numerosas, a buscar al Señor todopoderoso y a pedirle que los bendiga. 
                    Zacarías 8: 22

Vivir sin Dios conlleva improvisar soluciones no siempre acertadas; significa hacer camino al andar, tropezar en cada instante, buscar la felicidad en el lugar equivocado; es carecer de refugio en la tormenta. Pero Dios es lo suficientemente paciente, perdonador y misericordioso como para recibir a todos los que buscan de Él a toda hora y desde cualquier lugar. Recibe a todos los que prefirieron probar suerte, aún de espaldas a Él. Dios, en su soberana voluntad, toca primero el corazón de unos y los usa para que proclamen su mensaje a muchos más. De esta manera los que oyen la voz de Dios y la obedecen son puentes de buena voluntad para que todos alcancen la salvación que anuncia el profeta Zacarías.

Por medio del testimonio de ellos muchos pueden tener un encuentro con Dios, de este modo la salvación tendrá un alcance universal. Dios es para todos, nos reúne a todos, nos amina a seguirle por el camino trazado por su luz.
Oración: Señor, permite que yo sea un instrumento tuyo para llevar a otros al conocimiento de tu verdad, a los que buscan afanosos tener un encuentro contigo. Amén.

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