Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Tuesday, August 15

A Good example to follow and live

Luke 1:39 - 56

In a loud voice she exclaimed, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear.”  (NIV)

Luke 1:42

There is no doubt that this is one of the most beautiful stories in the Bible. It captivates us in different ways, due to the great faith and courage of Mary, a woman who shares with us the salvation that she brings in her womb, the greatest love that has spread on earth, to the word made flesh that is born for all humanity, for creation. Now, this text also reflects Elizabeth’s welcome to our Lord.

It expresses a series of feelings that show us how we should receive the Jesus who is born in our lives, and that, in our personal relationship, we should reflect him.

Blessed are you, and blessed is your fruit, blessed is what you do, blessed is what comes from you. Elizabeth praises Jesus. She is amazed to be lucky for that unexpected life encounter. Then the joy is contagious, and Elizabeth’s baby also receives this good tiding and jumps.


Prayer: Dear God, may we live these genuine feelings, praise you, share the wonder and joy of Jesus in our lives. Amen.


Translation by John Walter



Un buen ejemplo a seguir y vivir 

Lucas 1:39 - 56

y exclamĂ³ a gran voz, y dijo: Bendita tĂº entre las mujeres, y bendito el fruto de tu vientre.

Lucas 1:42

No cabe duda que este es uno de los relatos mĂ¡s hermosos en la Biblia. Nos cautiva de diferentes formas, por la gran fe y valentĂ­a de MarĂ­a, mujer que nos comparte la salvaciĂ³n que trae en su vientre, el amor mĂ¡s grande que se haya esparcido en la tierra, al verbo hecho carne que nace para toda la humanidad, para la creaciĂ³n. Ahora bien, este texto tambiĂ©n nos refleja el recibimiento de Elizabeth a nuestro Señor.

Nos expresa una serie de sentimientos, que nos muestran cĂ³mo debemos recibir al JesĂºs que nace en nuestras vidas, y que debemos reflejar en nuestra relaciĂ³n personal con ÉL.

Bendita tu y bendito tu fruto, bendito lo que haces, bendito lo que viene de ti. Elizabet alaba a JesĂºs, estĂ¡ asombrada de ser afortunada de ese encuentro de vida, e inesperado. Luego la alegrĂ­a se contagia y el bebe de Elizabet tambiĂ©n recibe este bien y salta.


OraciĂ³n: Amado Dios que podamos vivir estos sentimientos genuinos, alabarte, compartir el asombro y la alegrĂ­a de JesĂºs en nuestras vidas. AmĂ©n.

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