Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday, August 15 CLING TO YOUR FAITH Job 19:13-26

Saturday, August 15
Job 19:13-26

“…I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world...”
Revelation 3:10

I have a neighbor who has been the victim of a series of tragedies that, unmercifully, have fallen upon her. She is now a widow; she is rather deaf, can barely see, her face is disfigured, she suffers from acute pain and yet her faith is radiant; in spite of everything, she has not lost her optimism or her good sense of humor.
All who visit her are warmly received with a cordial smile.  At the entrance to her home there are plants and flowers, tended with great care; her house is always clean.  Upon her lips we frequently hear this expression: “God is powerful to do all things much more abundantly than what we ask of him and beyond our understanding.”
Every Sunday, that Christian woman occupies her place at church, even though she can barely hear the sermon, the hymns or the prayers.  Surely God speaks directly to her heart and strengthens her faith, similarly to Job.  
Let us give thanks to God for all those who are faithful to him, in spite of the great tribulations to which they are subject, and let us pray that we too may be able to be as faithful in our hour of trial.

Prayer: God, give us the strength to overcome the trials that life brings us. Amen.

Job 19:13-26

“Yo te protegeré a la hora de la prueba”
Apocalipsis 3:10

Tengo una vecina que ha sido víctima de una serie de tragedias que, inmisericordes, se han volcado sobre ella. En la actualidad ha quedado viuda, está bastante sorda, casi no puede ver, su rostro esta desfigurado, sufre agudos dolores y, sin embargo, su fe es radiante, a pesar de todo el optimismo y el buen humor no la abandonan.
Cuantos le visitan reciben calurosa bienvenida y una sonrisa cordial. A la entrada de su hogar hay plantas y flores, cuidadas con esmero; su casa está siempre limpia. En sus labios frecuentemente, encontramos esta expresión: «Dios es poderoso para hacer todas las cosas mucho más abundantemente de lo que pedimos o entendemos»,
Cada domingo, aquella cristiana ocupa su lugar en la iglesia, a pesar de que casi no oye el sermón, los himnos o las oraciones. Seguramente Dios le habla directamente al corazón y fortalece su fe, a semejanza de Job.
Demos gracias a Dios por todos aquellos que les son fieles, a pesar de las grandes tribulaciones a que están sujetos y roguemos porque también nosotros podamos ser leales en la hora de la prueba.

Oración: Dios, danos fuerzas para vivir las pruebas que la vida nos trae. Amén

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