Saturday, December 7, 2024

Saturday, December 7


Matthew 9-28

Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you.”

Matthew 9.29 (NRSV)

In today’s Bible reading two blind men heard that Jesus was nearby and cried out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” They begged him to restore their sight. Before Jesus healed them, he only made sure that they had faith.

Faith is necessary for the power of Jesus to be made manifest in our lives. He can’t do great works if we don’t believe or trust in his word. They heard that he was the Savior; they opened themselves to the opportunity to trust, and thus allowed a miracle to happen in their lives.

According to the faith that these two men demonstrated, Jesus completely cured their eyes.

Like them, we also must act, trusting, with faith. If we trust that Jesus is the healer, he will heal us; if we believe that he is the Savior of Humanity, then he will save us. All depends on our faith and trust in Jesus.

Let us always carry this song with us:

It is good to have faith in the little things, it is good to have faith in the little things that are hardly seen.

Prayer: Lord, give us the faith to proclaim your truth. Amen.

Translation by John Potter


Diciembre 7, sábado


Mateo 9-28

Entonces le tocó los ojos, diciendo conforme a vuestra fe os sea hecho.

Mateo 9.29

En la lectura bíblica de hoy dos hombres ciegos oyeron que Jesús estaba cerca y clamaron. ¡ten misericordia de nosotros Hijo de David! Le rogaron que les devolviera la vista. Jesús antes de sanarlos solo se aseguró de que tuvieran fe.

La fe es necesaria para que el poder de Jesús se manifieste en nuestras vidas, ÉL no puede hacer grandes obras si no creemos ni confiamos en su palabra.

Conforme la fe que demostraron estos dos hombres, Jesús curó sus ojos plenamente. Escucharon que era el Salvador, se abrieron a la oportunidad de confiar y así permitieron ocurriera milagro en sus vidas.

Como ellos, también nosotros debemos actuar, confiando, con fe. Si creemos que Jesús es el sanador, Él nos sanará; si creemos que es el Salvador de la Humanidad entonces nos salvará, todo depende de nuestra fe y confianza en Jesucristo.

Llevemos siempre con nosotros este canto:

Es bueno tener fe en las cosas pequeñas, es bueno tener fe en las cosas pequeñas que apenas se ven.

Oración: Señor danos fe para proclamar tu verdad. Amén.

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