Thursday, July 29, 2021

July 29, Thursday


Hebrews 6:5

Do this because you have been given new birth—not from the type of seed that decays but from seed that doesn’t. This seed is God’s life-giving and enduring word.

1 Peter 1:23 (CEB)

            I heard about a couple who were given a Bible.  Neither of the two had previously read a Bible.  The husband started to read it. Some days afterward, he called his wife and said:  “Dear, if this book is true, we are mistaken.” He continued reading the Bible and after some days more he spoke again to his wife: “Dear, if this book is true, we are lost.”  More avid than ever, he pursued studying the book until one night he exclaimed: “Dear wife, if this book is true, we can be saved.”

            The same book that had revealed that they were condemned also revealed the means of being saved through Jesus Christ.  This is the glory of the Bible.

            Trust in Christ now, completely trusting only in Him forever, and you will be saved.

            There is no situation in human life to which the Bible does not bring strength and consolation.


Prayer: Thank you, Father, for your Word.  Thank you because in your Word we find all that we need to live an abundant life in you.  Amen.


Translation by Deborah McEachran



Julio 29,  jueves


Hebreos 6:5

siendo renacidos, no de simiente corruptible, sino de incorruptible, por la palabra de Dios que vive y permanece para siempre

1 Pedro 1:23

            EscuchĂ© sobre un matrimonio que llegĂ³ a tener una Biblia. Ninguno de los dos la habĂ­a leĂ­do antes. El marido comenzĂ³ a leerla. Unos dĂ­as despuĂ©s se dirigiĂ³ a la esposa y le dijo: “Amada, si este libro es verdad, estamos equivocados”. ContinuĂ³  la lectura de la Biblia y al cabo de unos dĂ­as mĂ¡s hablĂ³ nuevamente a su esposa: “Amada, si este libro es la verdad, estamos perdidos”. Con mĂ¡s avidez que nunca prosiguiĂ³ estudiando el libro hasta que una noche exclamĂ³: “Amada esposa, si este libro es la verdad, podemos ser salvos”.

            El mismo libro que le habĂ­a revelado que estaban condenados, le revelĂ³ el medio de ser salvos por Jesucristo. Esta es la gloria de la Biblia.

            ConfĂ­e usted en Cristo ahora mismo, sĂ³lo plenamente en Él para siempre,  y serĂ¡ salvo.

            No hay situaciĂ³n de la vida humana en que la Biblia no traiga fuerzas y consolaciĂ³n.

OraciĂ³n: Gracias Padre, por tu Palabra. Gracias porque en ella encontramos todo lo que necesitamos para vivir una vida abundante en ti. AmĂ©n.

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