Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, February 26 Celebration of the Dependent Church in Paraíso Obrero GIVING UP IS NOT AN OPTION MATTHEW 25:35-40

Wednesday, February 26 

Celebration of the Dependent Church in Paraíso Obrero
MATTHEW 25:35-40
“…I was sick, and you looked after me.”
Matthew 25:36b
My friend had been sick for some time without a definite diagnosis, and I had given her all the recommended home remedies for her illness, but she remained in pain.  I eventually felt that I could not do anything more for her, and I stopped going to her house. One morning, as I was reading my daily devotionals, I again came across the following biblical passage: “I was sick and you looked after me.” I understood then that the Lord did not expect me to magically cure my friend, but rather to look after her through fervent prayer and visitation. I also understood that my prayers should contain neither demands nor anger, but rather peace, harmony, and trust in God’s perfect will.  A short while later, she received her diagnosis and her treatment and she immediately called me to thank me for everything I’d done for her.   I gave thanks to God for her health and for having allowed me to understand that through his love there is always something that we can do for others. Giving up, in the face of our problems or those of others, is not an option. Our only options are to pray, and to heal, and to look after others, and to share life and life in abundance.

Prayer: We pray, Lord, for those who are waiting for a diagnosis.  Give us the words to speak in order to comfort them. Through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

 Celebración de la Iglesia dependiente en Paraíso Obrero
MATEO 25:35-40
“…estuve enfermo, y me visitaron.”
Mateo 25:36b
Mi amiga llevaba tiempo enferma sin un diagnóstico certero, yo le había sugerido cuanto remedio casero recomendaban para su dolencia, pero no se aliviaba. Llegó un momento en que yo sentí que no podía  hacer nada más por ella, e impotente dejé de ir a su casa. Una mañana, leyendo mi devocional, me reencontré con este pasaje bíblico: estuve enfermo  y me visitaste”. Comprendí entonces que el Señor no demandaba de mí que yo curara a mi amiga mágicamente, sino que la acompañara con ferviente oración y visitación. Comprendí también, que en mi oración no podía haber exigencias, ni ira;  sino paz, armonía y confianza en La voluntad perfecta de Dios. Poco tiempo después mi amiga recibió su diagnóstico y su tratamiento y enseguida me llamó para agradecerme todo lo que había hecho por ella.
Agradecí yo a Dios por su sanidad y por haberme permitido comprender que en su amor siempre hay cosas que podemos hacer por los demás. Rendirnos ante los problemas propios o ajenos, no es una opción. Nuestra única opción es orar, sanar, acompañar, compartir vida y vida en abundancia

Oración: Te pedimos Señor, por las personas que esperan un diagnóstico. Pon palabras en nuestra boca para consolarles. Por Jesucristo te lo pedimos. Amén. 

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