desire is not for you to free me from all danger, but rather to give me the
bravery to confront every one of them.
I do not
ask for my pain to be extinguished, but rather for the courage to overcome it.
I do not
seek allies in the battle-camp of life, but rather strength within myself.
I do not
plead with anxious fear to be saved, but rather for the hope to gain,
patiently, my own freedom.
Help me
to not be a coward, Lord, not only feeling your mercy in my success; but also
discovering the power of your hand in my failure!”
Rabindranath Tagore
“No deseo que me libres de todos los peligros, sino valentía para
enfrentarme a ellos.
No pido que se apague mi dolor, sino coraje para dominarlo.
No busco aliados en el campo de batalla de la vida, sino fuerzas en mí
No imploro con temor ansioso ser salvado, sino esperanza para ir logrando,
paciente, mi propia libertad.
¡Concédeme que no sea un cobarde, Señor, que no sólo sienta tu misericordia
en mi triunfo; sino que descubra el poder de tu mano en mi fracaso!”
Rabindranath Tagore
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