Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday, March 10 THE SYROPHOENICIAN WOMAN MARK 7: 24-30

Tuesday, March 10
the syrophoenician woman                                                                                                                                                   Mark 7: 24-30

Then he told her, “For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter.”
Mark 7:29ª

What a mother is capable of doing for a son or daughter is something incredible. How did that woman find out that Jesus was in her city?  It is a mystery.  What is certain is that she went off to find Jesus with the assurance that this healing teacher about whom people were speaking could heal her daughter.  But she not only went in search of him, she also knew how to overcome the obstacles that presented themselves by the fact that she was not Jewish, she was a “Gentile.”

There are problems and difficulties which arise daily and with which we must struggle.  But if we own the same decisiveness as this Syrophonecian woman, we will surely be able to resolve many of them. Oftentimes our own prejudices limit us and keep us from making correct decisions, we ourselves thereby becoming the main problem.

Approach the Lord today and present your worries to Him; and you will surely be able to hear Him say: “For such a reply, you may go in peace.”

Prayer: Lord, wherever we raise barriers, you destroy them with your love and your peace. Help me to rid myself of everything that impedes my drawing near to You with all confidence to present my problems and concerns before You. Amen.

La mujer sirofenicia                                                                                                                                                    Marcos 7: 24-30

Entonces Jesús le dijo “Por esto que has dicho,
puedes irte tranquila…”
Marcos 7:29ª

Lo que una madre es capaz de hacer por un hijo o una hija, es algo increíble. ¿Cómo aquella mujer se enteró que Jesús estaba en la ciudad? Es un misterio. Lo cierto es que ella fue a buscar a Jesús con la seguridad de que aquel maestro sanador del que hablaban podría sanar a su hija. Pero no sólo lo va buscar, sino que también supo vencer los obstáculos que se le presentaban por el hecho de no ser ella judía, sino una “gentil”.
A diario se nos presentan problemas y dificultades con los cuales tenemos que lidiar. Pero si tenemos la misma decisión, que tuvo esta mujer sirofenicia, seguramente muchos de ellos podrán ser resueltos. Muchas veces los propios prejuicios nos limitan y nos impiden tomar las decisiones correctas; convirtiéndonos nosotros mismos en el principal problema.
Acércate hoy al Señor y preséntale tus preocupaciones; y seguramente también podrás escuchar de El: “Por esto que has dicho puedes irte tranquila o tranquilo”.

Oración: Señor, dónde nosotros levantamos barreras, tú las derribas con tu amor y tu paz. Ayúdame a eliminar todas las cosas que me impidan acercarme a Ti con toda confianza a presentarte mis problemas y preocupaciones. Amén

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