Friday, March 29, 2024



John 18: 1-19

Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?”

John 18:4 (NIV)

For some people, being brave means facing aggressions, and not fearing animals, places or dangers.

But bravery is much more than that; it has to do with determination, firmness, seriousness, and honesty. It has to do with defending causes if they are just, without regard to the consequences.

Jesus shows us in this text his character, his courage; he does not hide; he doesn’t allow anyone to stand in front of Him. With determination he says, “I am he” and he knows perfectly well what that means. Pained by the betrayal, he is worried for those he leaves behind, and gathering strength to face what he sees, even so he responds with firmness in front of his enemies.

Sometimes we lack the courage to stand up for what is right, to fight for justice, to confront those who harm and disrespect others. Many times, we remain silent, or we hide for fear of facing consequences, but being Christian means being courageous. It means not being afraid to denounce injustice, to help the excluded, to confront the powers that be and respond, “I am he” when someone demands an explanation.

Let us not be afraid to be instruments of God in the face of all that today threatens the fullness of life.


Prayer: Lord, thank you for showing me the path of good. May I always be brave enough to face that which goes against your Kingdom. Amen.


Translation by Susan Metcalf Smith




Juan 18: 1-19

Pero Jesús, que sabía todas las cosas que le habrían de sobrevenir, se adelantó y les preguntó: ¿A quién buscan?

Juan 18:4

Para algunas personas, ser valiente significa enfrentar agresiones, no temer a animales, lugares, peligros.

Pero la valentla es mucho más que eso; tiene que ver con determinación, firmeza, seriedad y honestidad. Tiene que ver con defender causas si son justas, sin importar las consecuencias.

Jesús nos muestra en este texto su carácter, su valentla, no se esconde, no permite que nadie se ponga frente a Él, con determinación dice yo soy, y sabla perfectamente lo que eso significaba. Dolido por la traición, preocupado por quienes deja, aunando fuerza para enfrentar lo que venla y aun asl, responde con firmeza frente a sus enemigos.

A veces, nos falta esa entereza para defender lo justo, para luchar por la justicia, para enfrentar a quienes dañan e irrespetan a otras y otros. Muchas veces quedamos en silencio, o nos escondemos por miedo a enfrentar consecuencias; pero ser cristiano significa ser valiente, significa no temer denunciar injusticias, ayudar a excluidos, enfrentar poderes y responder “yo soy” cuando alguien nos exija explicaciones.

No tengamos temor a ser instrumentos de Dios frente a todo lo que hoy atenta contra la plenitud de vida


Oración: Señor, gracias por mostrarme el camino del bien. Permite que siempre tenga la valentla suficiente para enfrentar lo que va contra tu Reino. Amén.

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