Thursday, October 2, 2014


Thursday, October 2




GENESIS 19: 1-3

“But they urged him strongly, ‘Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.’”

Luke 24: 29

A few weeks ago I invited a friend to have coffee with me. I had noticed that she was exhausted and I wanted to offer her the opportunity to relax and converse.  But there was no way to achieve my purpose; my friend insisted on making the coffee, washing the cups, and leaving the kitchen cleaned up.  When I finally got her to sit down, with a smile on my lips I made her see that she was not giving me the possibility to offer her any hospitality, to receive her in my home and to afford her a pleasurable time.

There are times when we understand and practice good hospitality, but we forget to be good guests, with others as well as with God.  We want to do it all and we lose the opportunity to be good guests to those who wish to show us their love and respect.


Jesus gave the men on the road to Emmaus the opportunity to recognize him in this marvelous act of sitting down to eat at his hosts’ table and sharing bread.  He acted as if he were leaving but as a good guest, he entered and sat down to eat with his disciples. Jesus is not just the one who receives others; He is also the one who allows others to receive him.


Prayer:  We wish to receive you in our home, at our table, in our lives, oh Jesus of the way.  Grant also that we may accept the hospitality of others through your love, which heals all, frees all, and transforms all.  Amen.





GÉNESIS 19: 1-3

“Pero ellos lo obligaron a quedarse, diciendo:

- Quédate con nosotros, porque se hace tarde

y el día ya ha declinado”

Lucas 24: 29

Hace algunas semanas invité a una amiga a tomar una taza de café conmigo. Yo notaba que ella estaba agobiada  y quise brindarle un espacio para relajarse y conversar. Pero no hubo manera de cumplir mi propósito, mi amiga quería hacer el café, fregar las tazas, dejar la cocina recogida. Cuando logré sentarla, con una sonrisa en los labios le hice ver que no me estaba dando la posibilidad de acogerla, recibirla en mi casa y hacerle pasar un agradable momento.

A veces entendemos y aplicamos aquello de ser buenos anfitriones, pero nos olvidamos de ser buenos huéspedes, con nuestro prójimo e incluso con Dios. Queremos hacerlo todo, y nos perdemos la oportunidad de que quien nos acoge nos muestre su amor y respeto.

Jesús le dio la posibilidad a los caminantes de Emaús de reconocerle en ese maravillo acto de sentarse a la mesa de sus anfitriones y compartir el pan. Él hizo como que seguía pero como buen huésped entró y cenó con sus discípulos.

Jesús no es sólo aquel que recibe sino aquél que se deja hospedar.


Oración: Queremos recibirte oh Jesús del camino en nuestra casa, en nuestra mesa, en nuestras vidas. Permite también que nos dejemos hospedar por tu amor, que todo lo sana, todo lo libera, todo lo transforma. Amén


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