Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Tuesday, February 9

JOHN 14:1-14

“The highway of the upright avoids evil;”

Proverbs 16:17

Two friends were going fishing, but they didn’t know how to reach the lake.  After asking around and obtaining several sets of directions from a few people, they decided to go the way they thought was best, because it was called “The way of lights” in the town.

They started out and within a short distance they saw an entrance to what was the old route to the lake, and they went through it.  The road was well-lit at first but it soon became dangerous and dark, filled with potholes, and nearly without light.  They ended up never reaching the lake; they wasted their time and their gasoline, got upset and had to go back to the main road in order to take the correct route.

We often encounter roads which, at first, look to be good. But when we begin to travel on them we see that they are dark and trap-ridden. This is why the best way is always that of the Lord.

The Bible tells us that there is only one way that will take us to God:  Jesus.  A way of light that always brings peace.  Let us walk on this pathway conscious that as we do so, our lives will be full of the luminous presence of God.

Prayer: Thank you, God, because your pathways are perfect. Help us to not become confused and to know how to walk in holiness along the only pathway that is Jesus. Amen.

JUAN 14:1-14

“La gente honrada se aparta del mal, y así protege su vida”

Proverbios 16:17

Dos amigos salieron de pesca, pero no sabían cómo llegar al lago. Después de varias preguntas, y de las personas indicarles algunos caminos, se decidieron por el que ellos creían era mejor, pues en el pueblo lo llamaban “La ruta de  las luces”.
Avanzaron y a poca distancia vieron una entrada, la vieja ruta al lago, y entraron. El camino al principio era iluminado, pero enseguida se hizo peligroso y oscuro, lleno de baches, casi sin luz. Finalmente no llegaron al lago, perdieron tiempo, gastaron combustible, se pusieron de mal humor y tuvieron que regresar al camino principal para ir por la ruta correcta.
Muchas veces hay caminos que, a simple vista, parecen buenos. Pero al transitarlos vemos que son oscuros y llenos de trampas. Por eso el mejor es siempre el camino del Señor.
La Biblia nos dice que hay un solo camino que nos lleva a Dios: Jesús. Un camino de luz que siempre trae paz. Transitemos este camino seguros de que al hacerlo nuestra vida estará llena de la presencia luminosa de Dios.

Oración: Gracias Dios, porque tus caminos son perfectos. Ayúdanos a no confundirnos y a saber andar en santidad por el único camino que es Jesús. Amén.

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