Saturday, February 3
of the Church “El Cristo” (Matanzas)
LUKE 4:14-21
Then he began to
say to them,
“Today this
scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” (NRSV)
Luke 4:21
Jesus makes himself known. He chooses the gathering of the
community to do it, in the synagogue’s celebration of shared prayers, songs,
and reflection on the word which was read every time.
Jesus makes known his true identity to his friends. He is
someone more than just the child of Mary and Joseph, and he says the ancient
words of the prophet Isaiah as one who discovered after centuries what was
prepared for this moment and to be said by his own self. Jesus came to finish
the work of the prophet and to begin the work of the Kingdom.
The poor, prisoners, the blind and the oppressed, see the
dawn of a new day because Jesus is the love and mercy which were veiled and
that the people had not managed to discover. He is as one who suddenly reveals
all love and his surprising vocation of service to those who think that they
know him. Jesus begins to reveal this great part of his divinity to the
astonishment of the people.
Perhaps we ourselves in the church and before the whole
world have words, gestures or actions given by God that are waiting to come to
light, to give hope, joy or peace. It is there, Jesus himself is prompting us
to hasten that day and those moments.
Prayer: Dear Father, allow us to recognize Christ and his holy will
today. Amen.
by John Potter
Aniversario de la Iglesia “El Cristo” (Matanzas)
LUCAS 4:14-21
Jesús dijo: “Hoy mismo se ha cumplido
esta Escritura delante de ustedes”
Lucas 4:21
Jesús se da a conocer.
Elige para hacerlo la reunión de la comunidad, que en la celebración de la
sinagoga acostumbraba a compartir las oraciones, el canto y la reflexión de la
palabra que era leída en cada caso.
Jesús da a conocer ante
sus conocidos su verdadera identidad. Él es alguien más que el hijo de María y
José, y pronuncia aquellas antiguas palabras del profeta Isaías como quien
descubre, después de siglos, lo que estaba preparado para este momento y para
ser dicho por Él mismo. Jesús vino a terminar la obra del profeta y a comenzar
la obra del Reino.
Los pobres, los presos,
los ciegos y los oprimidos, ven amanecer un nuevo día, porque Jesús es el amor
y la misericordia que estaban velados y la gente no había alcanzado a
descubrir. Como quien un día deja ver todo el amor o su vocación de servicio
sorprendiendo a quienes creían conocerle. Jesús comienza a revelar esa parte
inmensa de su divinidad para asombro de la gente. Quién sabe, tal vez nosotros
mismos en la iglesia y ante el mundo tengamos palabras, gestos o acciones dados
por Dios esperando salir a la luz para dar esperanza, alegría o paz. Por ahí,
Jesús mismo está animándonos a apresurar ese día y esos momentos.
Oración: Querido Padre, concédenos reconocer a Cristo y
su santa voluntad en este día. Amén.
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