Sunday, May 3
Matthew 2:1-12
In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem
of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the child
who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and
have come to pay him homage.”
Matthew 2:1-2 (NRSV)
imagine for a moment those inhospitable places that the wise men of the East
traveled through, without adequate transport, on foot, on horseback and, sure,
on camels. A journey that could have taken over three years. How many miles
would those men go, how many dangers, what fatigue, what heartache? Surely they
were neither few nor small. And what of us in the Church today?
Every day
we realize that we must choose a path, but at times we are overcome by
uncertainty and don’t know for sure where to go, and much less how to get
there. Christians need to travel by a special path, a path that allows us to
see things in a different way, a path that lets us overcome doubts and shadows.
It’s a path that we can travel in the same manner that those wise men from the
East did earlier. They marked out only one objective: to know where the King of
the Jews had been born, simply to worship him.
Prayer: Lord, teach us to discern exactly what people need; we pray
that you may work through us to restore and dignify those around us. Amen.
Translation by John Potter
Mayo 3, domingo
Mateo 2:1-12
Cuando JesĂşs
naciĂł en BelĂ©n de Judea en dĂas del rey Herodes, vinieron del oriente a
JerusalĂ©n unos magos, diciendo: ¿DĂłnde está el rey de los judĂos, que ha
nacido? Porque su estrella hemos visto en el oriente, y venimos a adorarle.
Imaginémonos por un momento aquellos parajes inhóspitos
que recorrieron los sabios del oriente, sin trasporte adecuado, a pie, a
caballo y porque no, en camellos. Una travesĂa que pudo haber durado más de dos
años. ¿Cuantas millas recorrerĂan
aquellos hombres, cuántos peligros, cuántas fatigas, cuántos sinsabores?
Seguramente no fueron pocos ni pequeños. ¿Y quĂ© de nosotros en la Iglesia hoy?
Diariamente nos percatamos de la necesidad que tenemos de
utilizar los caminos, pero a veces la incertidumbre nos acecha y no sabemos a
ciencia cierta hacia dĂłnde ir y mucho menos, cĂłmo podemos llegar. Los cristianos necesitamos transitar por un
camino muy especial, un camino que nos permita ver las cosas de otra manera, un
camino que nos admita recorrerlo, dejando fuera las dudas y las sombras; un
camino en que podamos andar de la misma manera que lo hicieron una vez los
sabios del oriente. Ellos solamente se trazaron un objetivo: saber dĂłnde estaba
el rey de los judĂos que habĂa nacido, simplemente para ir a adorarle.
Oración: Oh Señor, enséñanos a discernir exactamente lo que la
gente necesita, te rogamos que Tu obres a través nuestro y asà poder restaurar
y dignificar a los demás. Amén.
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