Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday, March 18 THE DECEPTIVE WORD MARK 10:17-22

Monday, March 18
MARK 10:17-22

... to those who were near…
Ephesians 2:17 (CEB)

We need to be careful with the word near.  The point is not to be near God, but to be in God. 
The runner does not win the race by staying near the finish line, one does not fulfill a debt by being close to the amount needed.  I can be very close to a meal, but still be dying of hunger.  To pass nearby the house of my family members does not guarantee that I visit them.

This is what happens with Jesus Christ.  We can, like the rich young man, be very close to the Kingdom, and nevertheless lose ourselves like he did, by not entering it. 

We must be very careful with this deceptive word.  It is not by being near Christ that we are saved.  Although we go to church, bring our offerings, sing and even preach, we can be close and be lost.  The older son of the parable of the prodigal son had been close to his father, and nevertheless, was lost.

Prayer:  Beloved Christ, teach us the great feeling of the expression that you used so much:  to be in you.  Amen.

Translation by Deborah McEachran

MARCOS 10:17-22

A los que estaban cerca…
Efesios 2:17

Hay que tener cuidado con la palabra cerca. El asunto no es estar cerca de Dios, sino estar en Él.
El corredor no gana la carrera por quedar cerca de la meta, no se salda una deuda por estar cerca de la suma requerida. Puedo estar muy cerca de una comida, y sin embargo estar muerto de hambre.  Pasar cerca de la casa de mis familiares, no garantiza que les haga la visita.

Así sucede con Jesucristo. Podemos, como el joven rico, estar muy cerca del Reino, y sin embargo, perdernos como él, por no entrar al mismo.

Tengamos sumo cuidado con esa engañosa palabra. No es por estar cerca de Cristo que nos salvamos. Aunque vayamos a la iglesia, ofrendemos, cantemos y aun prediquemos, podemos estar cerca y estar perdidos. El hijo mayor de la parábola del hijo pródigo estaba cerca del padre, y, sin embargo, se perdió.

Oración: Cristo amado, enséñanos el gran sentido de la expresión que tú tanto usaste: estar en ti. Amén.

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