Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tuesday, July 23 IN THE SHIP OF YOUR LIFE MARK 3:7-12

Tuesday, July 23
MARK 3:7-12
 Jesus told his disciples to get a small boat ready for him so the crowd wouldn’t crush him.
Marcos 3:9 (CEB)

So great was the attraction to Christ in life that on the beach he was surrounded by so many people that there was no room for him.  He got into a boat to be able to teach them the things of the Kingdom. 

Jesus wants to get in the boat.  There were many boats there, but he only got into one.  It is the first time that Christ does something like this.  He wants to talk to the people, but he finds an obstacle of too little space.  He asks you for permission to climb in the boat of your life and from there to call us all to happiness.
He can change your life, just as he did with his disciples.  They were simple fishermen, or sick people, considered insignificant and they ended up giving their life for the extension of the Kingdom. 

Now it is your turn.  God wants you to climb in his boat to change your life and those who listen to his voice using you as the medium. Don’t worry if you don’t feel equipped to be an instrument of God, He will give you all that you need if you say “yes” to God and you will see how happy you are making others happy.

Prayer:  Guard me well, God, because I trust in you.  You are my Lord, there is nothing for my good that is outside of you.  The Lord I have always put before me, because the Lord is at my right hand, I will not be moved. Amen. 

Translation by Deborah McEachran

MARCOS 3:7-12

Y dijo a sus discípulos que le tuviesen siempre lista la barca…
Marcos 3:9

Tanta era la atracción de Cristo en vida que en la playa lo rodearon tantas personas que no había lugar para Él. Sube a una barca para poder enseñarles a todos las cosas del Reino.

Cristo desea subir a una barca. Allí hay muchísimas, pero Él sólo subirá a una. Es la primera vez que Cristo hace una cosa semejante. Él quiere hablarle a la gente, pero se encuentra impedido por el poco espacio. Él te pide permiso para subir a la barca de tu vida y desde allí llamar a todos a la felicidad.

Él puede cambiar tu vida, como lo hizo con sus discípulos y discípulas. Eran rudos pescadores, o personas enfermas, consideradas insignificantes y terminaron dando su vida por la extensión del Reino.

Ahora te toca a ti. Dios te quiere subir a su barca para cambiar tu vida y la de quienes escuchen su voz a través del medio que eres tú. No te preocupes si no te sientes apto para ser instrumento de Dios, Él hará todo si tú le das el sí, y ya verás cómo serás feliz haciendo felices a los demás.

Oración: Guárdame buen Dios, porque en ti he confiado. Tú eres mi Señor; no hay para mí bien fuera de ti. Al Señor he puesto siempre delante de mí, porque está a mi diestra, no seré conmovido. Amén.

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