Wednesday, February 3, 2021



Dear Reader:

As translators, we are called to do that task without comment on the text at hand. At times, we may feel uncomfortable with a text, but it is not our text. The post for January 29 was one such text. The reason for this comment is that subsequently we received a communication from Liudmila Hernandez Retureta, Pastor of First Church, Havana and Vice-Moderator of the Synod of the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba. She also posted it in the Chat space for Cuban Pastors on WhatsApp. We feel strongly that she would want all of the readers of this blog to know what the position of the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba is.

Her words follow:

Due to an irregularity in the editorial revision process, a meditation based on the text of Genesis 19.1-29, with an evident homophobic accent, appeared in the published devotional "Su Voz" on January 29, 2021.

Our Church respects the freedom we can have as persons in relation to sexuality. We are an inclusive Church, as expressed in our Form of Government, which is to be an open and inclusive community that responds to human diversity both within it and in which it is exercising its ministry (G-1. 0100. d). Consistent with our Reformed tradition, we do not make literalist readings of Scripture and much less call for certain exclusionary and discriminatory positions to be assumed on the basis of these readings.

As the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba (IPRC) we extend our apologies for the January 29th devotion which does not reflect the sentiments of our Church.


February 3, wednesday

Anniversary Of Christ Church (Matanzas)


Psalm  2

Serve the Lord reverently -- trembling.

Psalm 2:11(CEB)

            In Acts 5:38-39 we read, “And now I say to you: leave these men alone, Let them go. For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it shall fail.  But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”

            You can resign yourself with reverence knowing that the King of all the world is holy and just. If you are innocent, you will be freed, if you are guilty, God will have mercy if you ask Him for forgiveness through the blood of Christ.

            This means that one day each person will recognize Jesus Christ as Lord and enter his presence, others will recognize Him as a judge of heaven and earth. God’s judgment will be just -- what awaits you? Judgment for blessing or curse? There’s still time for you to settle your accounts with God. Give your life to Christ so that He may also rule in your life.

            God’s character is always the same, not good one day and bad the next. Those who rebel against Him do so because they do not know Him, or because they refuse to surrender to His authority. God’s standards are set for the good of his Kingdom.

            God’s laws reveal his character, love, holiness, and power. Jesus Christ has shown through his life and death that He is worthy to receive power and authority. Christ does not abuse his power or mistreat his servants, but cares about them, cares for them, and protects them. Christ requires from you the same thing his Father requires of Him: obedience and submission to His will.

            Remember that all people, including kings and those in positions of authority, are subject to God. Put your trust in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who reigns, and you will be blessed.


Prayer: Permit it Lord that we be always obedient and submissive to your will. Amen,


Translation by Pat Metcalf


Febrero 3, miércoles

Aniversario de la Iglesia “ El Cristo” ( Matanzas )

El reinado de Jesucristo

Salmo 2

Servid a Jehováá con temor, y alegraos con temblor

Salmo 2:11

            En Hechos 5:38-39, leemos: Y ahora os digo: Apartaos de estos hombres y dejadlos, porque si este consejo o esta obra es de los hombres, se desvanecerá; pero si es de Dios, no la podréis destruir; no seáis tal vez hallados luchando contra Dios.

            Puedes resignarte con reverencia sabiendo que el Rey de todo el mundo es santo y justo. Si eres inocente, serás liberado, si eres culpable, Dios tendrá misericordia si le pides perdón mediante la sangre de Cristo.

            Eso significa que un día cada persona reconocerá a Jesucristo como Señor y entrará  a su presencia, otros lo reconocerán como Juez del cielo y de la tierra. El juicio de Dios será justo, ¿qué te espera? ¿Juicio para bendición o maldición? Todavía hay tiempo para que arregles tus cuentas con Dios. Entrega tu vida a Cristo para que Él gobierne también en tu vida.

            El carácter de Dios es siempre igual, no es bueno un día y malo al siguiente. Los que se rebelan contra Él lo hacen porque no lo conocen, o porque se niegan a rendirse a su autoridad. Las normas de Dios son puestas para el bien de su Reino. Las leyes de Dios revelan su carácter, amor, santidad y poder. Jesucristo ha demostrado por medio de su vida y su muerte, que es digno de recibir el poder y la autoridad. Cristo no abusa de su poder ni maltrata a sus siervos, sino que se preocupa por ellos, los cuida y los protege. Cristo requiere de ti lo mismo que su Padre requiere de Él: obediencia y sumisión a su voluntad.

            Recuerda que todas las personas, incluso los reyes y los que ocupan posiciones de autoridad, están sujetos a Dios. Pon tu confianza en Jesucristo, el Hijo de Dios que reina, y serás bendecido.


Oración: Permite Señor que siempre seamos obedientes y sumisos a tu voluntad. Amén.

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