Matthew 9:35, 10:1, 6-8
Go and proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven has come. (NIV)
Matthew 9: 37
Jesus had compassion when faced with that helpless and lost crowd, a crowd without direction. His compassion was to encourage, mobilize and activate his disciples. He placed his trust to proclaim his Kingdom in them.
Today, the harvest owner has trusted you, and asks that, in your various circumstances, you listen to his call and respond to that vocation placed in you.
Look around you, you are part of this world that lives in hopelessness and scarcity. But, even so, you have something valuable in your power, and that is that you are an agent of the word of God. And that’s what Jesus calls you to. Use your vocation to encourage and restore those who need it.
Compassion is praying, it is encouraging those who live overwhelmed by the agony of everyday life; that is why he sends you to revive hope. Compassion is giving good news, sharing joy, multiplying hands to proclaim a kingdom of love and justice. Compassion is being willing to transform and renew life.
Join those who, like you, were also called to walk and announce his kingdom. Join by doing good works, because the harvest is great and we need to increase in number.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I do not want to be a passive disciple waiting for others to do while I feel like I can do something. Use me, train me and send me with your workers to establish your kingdom. Amen.
Translation by John Walter
Mateo 9:35, 10:1, 6-8
Id y proclamad que ha llegado el Reino de los cielos.
Mateo 9: 37
Ante aquella multitud desamparada y perdida, sin rumbo, Jesús tuvo compasión. Una compasión llamada a animar, movilizar y accionar a sus discipulos. En ellos depositó su confianza para proclamar su Reino.
Hoy el dueño de la mies ha confiado en ti y pide que en las diversas circunstancias escuches el llamado que te hace y respondas a esa vocación que ha puesto en ti.
Mira a tu alrededor, eres parte de este mundo que vive situaciones desesperanzadas y de carencias. Pero, aun asi, tienes algo valioso en tu poder y es que eres hacedor de la Palabra de Dios. Y a eso Jesús te llama. Usa tú vocación para animar y restaurar a quienes lo necesitan.
Compasión es orar, es alentar a quien vive sucumbido en la agonia del dia a dia. Por eso, te envia a ti para avivar la esperanza. Compasión es dar buenas noticias, compartir alegrias, multiplicar manos para proclamar un Reino de amor y de justicia. Compasión es estar dispuesto a transformar y renovar la vida.
Únete a quienes, como tú, también fueron llamados para andar y anunciar su Reino. Súmate a las buenas obras para el bien porque la mies es mucha y necesitamos ser más.
Oración: Señor Jesús, no quiero ser un discipulo pasivo esperando a que otros hagan mientras siento que puedo hacer algo. Úsame, capac itame y enviame con tus obreros para establecer tu Reino. Amén.
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