Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sunday, October 4 World Communion Sunday GET READY! IT’S TIME TO GO Exodus 34:1-10

Sunday, October 4

World Communion Sunday

Exodus 34:1-10

“Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.”

Ephesians 5:23

The celebration of world communion is in principle an expression of faith in the sense that each one of our churches is affirming a central content of faith through its participation: we are one body in Christ dispersed throughout the world.

The church is One because there is one faith, there is one hope and there is one practice of the love to which we are called.  We are part of the same plan of God.

God prepares a feast for us. But as the word well says, many guests are invited to his Feast, the feast of the Kingdom, but not everyone chooses to attend.
The difference between those who will attend and those who will not, between some and others, is exclusively determined by divine justice. It is not up to us.

But it is certain that He expects us at his Feast and wants for us to present ourselves prepared before Him, because God wants to give us the blessing of his presence in our lives and we cannot be unprepared for that moment.

Prayer: Bread of life, always give to us this spiritual food which assures us of eternal life.  

Domingo de Comunión Mundial

Éxodo 34:1-10

“Cristo es cabeza de la iglesia, la cual es su cuerpo,
y él es su Salvador”

Efesios 5:23

Celebrar un día de comunión mundial es en principio una expresión de fe en el sentido que cada una de nuestras iglesias al celebrar la comunión están afirmando un contenido central de la fe: somos un solo cuerpo en Cristo disperso por el mundo.

La iglesia es Una porque una es  la fe, una la esperanza y una la práctica del amor a la que somos desafiados. Somos parte del mismo proyecto de Dios.

Dios hace fiesta para todos. Pero como bien dice la palabra muchos son los invitados a su Fiesta, la fiesta del Reino, pero no todos participarán.

La distinción entre los que estarán y los que no estarán, entre unos y otros, es de competencia exclusiva de la justicia divina, no nos toca hacerla a nosotros.

Pero cierto es que Él nos espera en su fiesta y desea que nos presentemos ante Él preparados, porque Dios quiere regalarnos la bendición de su presencia en nuestra vida y no podemos estar desprovistos para ese momento.

Oración: Pan de vida, danos siempre ese alimento espiritual que nos asegura la vida eterna.

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