Monday, August 28, 2023



I Thessalonians 1:1-5

For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you.

I Thessalonians 1:4 (NIV)

As a child, I was raised in two camps: one supported by my maternal family, and the other, understood and protected by my father.

When I reached young adulthood, I flew very high in my professional life and I achieved goals and commitments in society that made me strong, disciplined, and willful.

After several years, I return to the house of God, not with regret, but rather, out of gratitude for the lengths to which He has allowed me to go.

I arrive at the same flock with adult sheep and other young ones lead by a Shepherdess who has a whistle to be heard.

It doesn’t matter when you join the herd; the important thing is that you return to ride together again and don’t get separated from the group.

Take advantage of the peace that is announced to you, soothe your heart. Give yourself the opportunity. God is waiting for you.


Prayer: Loving Father, I give you thanks this day for the opportunity to return home to your arms. Guide each stray sheep on its path to reach you. Amen.


Translation by Susan Metcalf Smith




I Tesalonicenses 1:1-5

Hermanos amados por el Dios, sabemos que el los ha escogido.

I Tesalonicenses 1:4

De pequeña me creci en dos templos apoyada por mi familia maternal y comprendida y protegida por mi padre.

Cuando alcancé la juventud volé muy alto en mi vida profesional y logré metas y compromisos en la sociedad que me hicieron fuerte, disciplinada y voluntariosa.

Al cabo de los años regreso a la casa de Dios, no con arrepentimiento, sino por agradecimiento hasta donde me permitió llegar.

Llego al mismo rebaño con ovejas adultas y otras jóvenes lideradas por una Pastora que tiene un silbido para ser escuchada.

No importa cuándo te unas a la manada, lo importante es que vuelvas a cabalgar unida a ella y no te separes del grupo.

Aprovecha la paz que te anuncian, alivia tu corazón. Date la oportunidad. Dios espera por ti


Oración: Amantisimo Padre, te doy gracias en este dia por la oportunidad de volver a tu casa, a tus brazos. Guia a cada oveja extraviada en su rumbo de llegar a ti . Amén.

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