Luke 21: 1-4
All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.
Luke 21:4 (NIV)
Working with children, among many other things, has illustrated to me that the only way to teach them to share is by being an example and sharing; and repeating acts of generosity over and over again, until they learn it. No matter how generous a youngster may be to offer you what he has in his hands, when he feels that something belongs to him, it is not possible to force him to share it, because it can only leave him with the unpleasant sensation of having been deprived of his good.
Often as adults we are victims of this attachment to material things, and we find countless justifications to ratify it. Jesus does not want us to feel deprived of our goods, of those that we have obtained through sacrifice, or of those of a very high material or sentimental value. Jesus, as a good teacher, shows us by example and through good examples, we can only live fully when we give everything we have to live for. Because giving, is also an act of faith.
Prayer: Jesus, you gave yourself completely for us; thank you for your inexhaustible generosity. Amen.
Translation by Susan Metcalf Smith
Lucas 21: 1-4
Porque todos ellos dieron de lo que les sobraba; pero ella, que es tan pobre, dio todo lo que tenÃa para vivir.
Lucas 20: 4
Trabajar con nirros, entre muchas otras cosas, me ha ilustrado que, la única forma que existe para enserrarles a ellos a compartir, es siendo ejemplo y compartiendo; y repetir acciones de generosidad una y otra vez, hasta que las aprendan. Por más generoso que sea un pequerro para ofrecerte lo que tiene entre sus manos, cuando siente que algo le pertenece, no es posible obligarlo a que lo comparta, porque solo podemos dejar en él la desagradable sensación de haber sido despojado de su bien.
Muchas veces los adultos somos vÃctimas de este apego por las cosas materiales, y encontramos un sin número de justificaciones para ratificarlo. Jesús no quiere que nos sintamos despojados de nuestros bienes, de aquellos que hemos conseguido con sacrificio, o de los de un altÃsimo valor material o sentimental. Jesús, como buen educador, nos enserra con el ejemplo y a través de buenos ejemplos, que solo podemos vivir plenamente, cuando damos todo lo que tenemos para vivir. Porque dar, es también un acto de fe.
Oración: Jesús, tú te entregaste plenamente por nosotros, gracias por tu generosidad inagotable. Amén.
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