Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Do you believe that your life is worthwhile?

Do you believe that your life is worthwhile?

We spend a lot of time thinking about what we need and we almost never stop to remember and thank God for what he gives us from day to day…
Do not be sad because of what you were unable to become; be thankful for the gifts that God placed in your life: your family, your friends and the opportunities to be someone useful…
You are a unique human being, capable of creativity, discovery, invention, thought, dreams, imagination, communication, speech, calm, encouragement, stimulation, inspiration, forgiveness…capable of feeling, enjoying, giving and receiving love.
Count your blessings and your joys.  Don’t waste time on “depressing thoughts” and “sad memories”
And do you know why?
Because you are very valuable!
Before God you are invaluable.

¿Crees que vale la pena tu vida?

Dedicamos mucho tiempo pensando en lo que nos hace falta y casi nunca nos detenemos a recordar y agradecer a Dios lo que nos regala día a día…
No te entristezcas por lo que no pudiste ser, agradece por los dones que Dios puso en tu vida, tu familia, tus amistades y las oportunidades de ser alguien útil...
Eres un ser humano único, capaz de crear, descubrir, inventar, pensar, soñar, imaginar, comunicarte, hablar, tranquilizar, animar, estimular, inspirar, perdonar... capaz de sentir, disfrutar, recibir amor y decir...
Cuenta tus bienes y tus alegrías. No pierdas tiempo en “pensamientos pesimistas” y “recuerdos tristes”
¿Y sabes por qué?...
¡¡¡ Porque vales muchísimo!!!
Para Dios no tienes precio.

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