Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday, September 28 Beginning of Christian Education Week LOOKING IN THE WRONG PLACE Luke 24:1-6a

Monday, September 28
Beginning of Christian Education Week

Luke 24:1-6a

“Seek the Lord while he may be found,
Call upon him while he is near”
Isaiah 55:6

A wise man came upon a boy on his knees searching for something.
“What are you going about looking for, son?”
“My key, I’ve lost it.”
And, on all fours, the two searched together for the lost key. After a while the wise man said, “Where did you lose it?”
“At home.”
“Holy God! And so, why are you looking for it here?”
“Because there is light here.”
What use is it to seek God in holy places if where you have lost him is in your heart?
Prayer:  Lord, my heart seeks you, come to me soon. Amen.

Antony de Mello 

Translation by John Walter

Comienza la Semana de la Educación Cristiana
Lucas 24:1-6a

“Busquen al Señor mientras pueda ser hallado,
llámenlo mientras se encuentre cerca”
Isaías 55:6

Un sabio encontró a un muchacho cuando éste estaba buscando algo de rodillas.
“¿Que andas buscando muchacho?”
“Mi llave la he perdido?”
Y arrodillados los dos, se pusieron a busr la llave perdida. Al cabo de un rato dijo el sabio:
“¿Dónde la perdiste?”
“En casa”
“¡Santo Dios! Y entonces, ¿por qué la buscas aquí?”
“Por que aquí hay luz”.
¿De qué vale buscar a Dios en lugares santos si donde lo has perdido ha sido en tu corazón?

Oración: Señor, mi corazón te busca, muéstrate pronto. Amén.                                                       Antony de Mello. 

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