Friday, March 18
ROMANS 1:16-17
‟See, he is puffed up;
His desires are not upright—
But the righteous will live by his faith—”
Habakkuk 2: 4
The story goes that Martin Luther was preparing his bible lesson based on
the letter to the Romans, when he came across the verse from Habakkuk: “The righteous will live by his faith.” Luther
had already found that God’s righteousness is revealed in the gospel; that from
beginning to end it is through faith. How was he to make sense of the situation
experienced in his time in the Church, where the importance of works was so
greatly emphasized?
It is difficult for us to understand the role that faith plays. We think that “faith alone” is not enough,
that we have to do something important in order to attain that quality of life
to which we aspire.
We often forget that it is God Himself who has done something very
important for us. And that it is up to
us to respond with the work of faith.
I have to believe in Him who has made my life righteous; He who has
delivered me from sin and who offers me a new life.
Prayer: Father, grant that I may live the life that you have given me, believing
in you and serving you. Amen.
ROMANOS 1:16-17
‟Aquel cuya alma no es recta, es arrogante;
pero el justo vivirá por su fe.”
Habacuc 2: 4
Cuenta la historia que Martin Lutero se encontraba
preparando su clase bíblica basada en la carta a los Romanos, cuando se
encontró con la cita de Habacuc: ‟El
justo por la fe vivirá”.
Ya Lutero había descubierto que en el evangelio se
revela la justicia de Dios, que de principio a fin es por medio de la fe. ¿Cómo
entender la situación que se estaba viviendo en la Iglesia donde se enfatizaba
tanto la importancia de las obras?
Nos cuesta trabajo entender el papel de la fe. Nos
parece que la ‟sola fe” no es suficiente,
que yo tengo algo importante que hacer para lograr esa calidad de vida a
la cual aspiro.
Con frecuencia se nos olvida que es el propio Dios
el que ha hecho algo muy importante por nosotros. Y nos queda responder con la
obra de la fe.
Tengo que creer en Aquel que ha hecho mi vida
justa. El que me ha librado del pecado y me ofrece una nueva vida.
Oración: Padre, permite que pueda vivir la vida que me das,
creyendo en ti y sirviéndote. Amén
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