Monday, April 20, 2020


Monday, APRIL 20 

Shout aloud and sing for joy people of Zion,
For great is the Holy One of Israel among you.

Isaiah 12:6.

When we see the problems of the world, of our country, of our city, neighborhood, and our homes we could think that the reasons for joy are few, but we forget that joy is a state of spirit that depends more upon our mental state and not so much upon what happens around us.     

In our worship services we sing the hymn “Enthusiasm,” and there exists no coherence between its lyrics and the face we have on singing it. We lose heart at times, the light in our eyes dims, melancholy paralyzes our lives, and it continues being easier to feel oneself disheartened than to assume the challenge of struggling for joy and happiness. But, where can we find joy? What should be the Christian’s intrinsic joy?

Hospitality and solidarity should be the Christian’s daily duty. To give without expecting recompense, to remember that plate of rice pudding that was served on the patios, to give the meterman or fumigator a glass of water. These, among others, are reasons for joy, both for those who give it and for those who receive it.  

Prayer:  Father, who also lives together with us on this earth, make it so that enthusiasm may be enthusiasm, and that each simple act of our lives may become one more reason for happiness. Amen.    

Translation by John Walter

Abril 20, lunes 

Regocíjate y canta, oh moradores de Sion; porque grande es en medio de ti el Santo de Israel.

Isaías 12:6.

            Cuando vemos los problemas del mundo, de nuestro país, de nuestra ciudad, del barrio y de nuestros hogares, podríamos pensar que los motivos de alegría resultan escasos; pero olvidamos que la alegría es un estado de ánimo que depende más de lo que tenemos en la mente y no tanto de lo que suceda a nuestro alrededor.

            Cantamos en nuestros cultos el himno “Entusiasmo” y no existe coherencia entre su letra y el rostro que tenemos al cantarlo, a ratos perdemos los ánimos, la luz de nuestros ojos se apaga, la melancolía paraliza nuestras vidas, y sigue siendo más fácil sentirse desesperado que asumir el reto de luchar por la alegría y la felicidad. Pero ¿dónde encontrar la alegría? ¿Cuál debe ser la alegría propia del cristiano?

            La hospitalidad y la solidaridad deben ser deber diario del cristiano; dar sin esperar recompensa, recordar ese plato de arroz con leche que se daban por los patios; brindarle al cobrador de la luz o al fumigador un vaso de agua; esos, entre otros, son motivos de alegría tanto para quien lo da como para quien lo recibe.

Oración: Padre que convives también en nuestra tierra, haz que el entusiasmo sea entusiasmo, y que cada acto sencillo de nuestras vidas se convierta en un motivo más de felicidad. Amén.


  1. I don't often read these entries since I'm one of the Su Voz translation team; and as the organizer of Baltimore Presbytery's partnership with Centro Presbytery I placed a very high value on inter-connectivity between the individuals who participated and their Cuban brothers and sisters. I confess, normally I was dismayed at the lack of response when I asked our delegates to reflect upon their experiences in their Cuban sister churches. I asked myself, "Why is it so hard for us North American Presbyterians to dedicate some time to discerning what we gained and learned on visiting our Cuban counterparts? If there had been nothing gained then why go back? That's the beauty and the point of this blog: to share our perceptions and experiences in faith. Right now it's all coming from the IPRC, though I continue to hope we all - me included - can do a better job at voicing our faith experiences. John Walter

    1. I completely agree, John. Thank you for your dedication as a Su Voz translator.
