February 17
Luke 7:24-27
But they understood nothing about all these things; in fact, what he said was hidden from them, they did not grasp what he said.
Luke 18:34 (NRSV)
These were things that they could not understand, because they had believed in Him but did not yet have the true knowledge of which Messiah they were following. They were true disciples of Jesus. They loved Him, served Him and thought they were ready to die with Him, if necessary. But this was a mystery.
What they could not understand was that Jesus was to die for them. And although they declared that he was the Son of God, they were far from being able to understand what Paul would later express in 2 Corinthians 5:19: “in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself.” They could not yet grasp the real meaning of that prophecy of Isaiah 53, that of a suffering servant who would bear our griefs and be wounded for our sins.
To understand that God himself bears our sins is a sign of his unfathomable love. But it is not enough to believe that he is the Savior of the world. It is necessary to go a step further and recognize that he was for us, personally, the Savior. That is the gospel.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for dying for me, thank you for your immense love for humanity. Amen.
Translation by Pat Metcalf
Febrero 17
Lucas 7:24-27
Ellos no entendieron nada de esto, ni sabÃan de qué les hablaba, pues eran cosas que no podÃan comprender
Lucas 18:34
Justamente eran cosas que no podÃan comprender, por cuanto habÃan creÃdo en Él pero aún no tenÃan el verdadero conocimiento de a cuál MesÃas seguÃan. Eran verdaderos discÃpulos de Jesús. Le amaban, le servÃan y pensaban estar dispuestos a morir con Él, si fuera necesario. Pero esto era un misterio.
Lo que no les entraba en las entendederas era que Jesús habÃa de morir por ellos. Y aunque declararon que él era el Hijo de Dios, estaban lejos de poder entender lo que más tarde Pablo habrÃa de expresar en 2 Corintios 5.19: “en Cristo Dios estaba reconciliando al mundo consigo mismo”. No podÃan aún captar el significado real de aquella profecÃa de IsaÃas 53, la de un siervo sufriente que llevarÃa sobre sà nuestros males y que serÃa herido por nuestros pecados.
Comprender que Dios mismo cargo con nuestros pecados, es señal de su insondable amor. Pero no basta con creer que es el Salvador del mundo. Es necesario dar un paso más y reconocer que fue por nosotros, personalmente, el Salvador. Eso es el evangelio.
Oración: Gracias, Señor Jesús, por morir por mÃ, gracias por tu inmenso amor por la humanidad. Amén.
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