February 23
Genesis 45:4-8
So then, it was not you who sent me, but God…
Genesis 45:8
There is no doubt that, among all the biblical stories, the story of Joseph is one of the most captivating, and moreover, filled with great lessons to be learned.
We often repeat many texts that we have memorized about the permanent presence of God among us. We say we trust in his help, in his promises; and yet, we often see that many brothers, at the hour of trial, when adversity envelops us, feel defeated, weakened, and make it clear that the reality of a God who works for the good of those who love him, is not a fact in their lives
Joseph went through the most unimaginable difficulties, and yet his trust in God did not waver. Let us ask the Lord that truly when we say: “...Thy will be done ,” we may be willing to endure any trial in the certainty that we are instruments in His hands.
Joseph’s difficult experience can be seen, in the light of the facts, as divine design. Don’t you think it is so in your own life.
Prayer: Lord, today we ask you to give us courage to accept and fulfill your purposes. Amen
Translation by Pat Metcalf
Febrero 23
GĂ©nesis 45:4-8
AsĂ, pues, no me enviasteis acĂ¡ vosotros, sino Dios¼
GĂ©nesis 45:8
No cabe dudas que, entre todos los relatos bĂblicos, la historia de JosĂ© es una de las mĂ¡s cautivantes, y por demĂ¡s, con lecciones muy grandes que debemos aprender.
A menudo repetimos muchos textos que hemos memorizado sobre la permanente presencia de Dios entre nosotros. Decimos confiar en su ayuda, en sus promesas; y sin embargo, a menudo vemos también que muchos hermanos, a la hora de la prueba, cuando la adversidad nos envuelve, se sienten derrotados, desfallecidos, y dejan ver claramente que la realidad de un Dios que obra para bien de los que le aman, no es un hecho en sus vidas.
JosĂ© atravesĂ³ las dificultades mĂ¡s inimaginables, y no obstante, su confianza en Dios no flaqueĂ³. Pidamos al Señor que realmente cuando decimos: “...hĂ¡gase tu voluntad¼”, estemos dispuestos a soportar cualquier prueba en la certeza de que somos instrumentos en sus manos.
La experiencia difĂcil de JosĂ© puede ser vista, a la luz de los hechos, como designio divino. ¿No crees que es asĂ en tu propia vida?
OraciĂ³n: Señor, hoy te pedimos que nos des valor para aceptar y cumplir tus propĂ³sitos. AmĂ©n.
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