Saturday, March 15, 2014


 Saturday, March 15   

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”
Colossians 4:6
Life presents us with situations in which we need to establish constant communication with others.  It is very difficult to give a pleasant response to someone who has harmed us or committed a wrong against us. We respond in an unpleasant or disagreeable fashion with the intention of giving this person what we think he deserves according to our judgment, which only ends up harming him or hurting ourselves. Faced with these attitudes, we should ask ourselves: If Christ through His power had not humbled himself before those who condemned and humiliated him, would the world know love?
God is not absent from our lives; He cares for us and gives us the opportunity to conquer the world with love. Let us fill our hearts with joy; let us praise God for his teaching and deal with those who surround us through words filled only with grace.
Let us offer others that which we would joyfully receive:  LOVE.

Prayer: Oh God, may your grace and your love abide with us always. Amen.

Sea vuestra palabra siempre con gracia, sazonada con sal, para que sepáis como responder a  cada uno”
Colosenses 4:6
La vida nos presenta situaciones en las que debemos establecer  constante comunicación con otros, nos cuesta mucho dar una respuesta agradable a alguien  que nos hizo un mal, o nos hirió, y respondemos de forma desagradable o descompuesta  con el fin de dar a éste lo que creemos se merece según nuestro juicio, con lo que solo conseguimos dañarlo o dañarnos nosotros mismos. Ante estas actitudes debemos preguntarnos ¿Si Cristo por Su poder se hubiera enaltecido ante aquellos que los condenaron y lo humillaron, el mundo conocería el amor?
Dios no está ausente de nuestras vidas, Él cuida de nosotros y nos da la oportunidad de conquistar con amor el mundo. Llenemos de gozo nuestros corazones, clamemos a Dios por sus enseñanzas y elevemos nuestras súplicas para sólo pronunciamos palabras llenas de gracia a quienes nos rodean.
Ofrezcamos a los demás lo que con gusto quisiéramos recibir: AMOR.

Oración: Oh Dios, que tu gracia y tu amor nos acompañen siempre. Amén

1 comment:

  1. Hit home. The less I talk, and the more I listen to others, the more communication that happens. I really need to work on persistent intentional pursuit of listening to God.
