Sunday, September 27
Matthew 21:28-32
Again, when the wicked turn away from the wickedness they have committed and do what is lawful and right, they shall save their life.
Ezekiel 18:27 (NRSV)
Jesus had just accomplished the “purification of the Temple.” In the episode the immediately followed, the high priests and elders asked Jesus “By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority?” (21:23) His response was another question: “. . . Did the baptism of John come from heaven, or was it of human origin?” They didn’t dare answer, and Jesus told them the parable of a father and his two sons.
“Which of the two did the will of his father?” (21:31) The grumpy and ill-mannered son who ended up doing what he was asked to do or the kind and smiling son who does whatever he wants? The response was easy: the first.
Jesus draws from it an amazing consequence. It’s preferable to live badly, if in the end you do what God desires, than to live an apparently pious life and refuse to fulfill his will. Said in the crude words of the gospel, it better to be a prostitute or a thief, if eventually you convert, than to belong to whatever religious organization or institution and be unable to convert. Conversion implies working with the Father in the establishment of the Kingdom of justice, peace, and love for all of creation.
Prayer: O God, allow that we may always be ready to do your will, to be your hands and your voice in our midst. Amen.
Translation by John Potter
Septiembre 27, domingo
Mateo 21:28-32
“Si el malvado se aparta de su maldad y se apega al derecho y a la justicia, habrá salvado su vida””
Ezequiel 18:27
Jesús acababa de realizar la
“purificación del templo”. En el episodio inmediatamente anterior, los sumos
sacerdotes y los senadores, preguntan a Jesús con qué autoridad actuaba así. Él
les responde con otra pregunta: -¿El bautismo de Juan era cosa de Dios o cosa
humana? No se atreven a contestar, y Jesús les cuenta esta parábola de un padre
y sus dos hijos.
¿Quién cumple la voluntad del padre?, ¿el hijo protestón y maleducado que termina haciendo lo que le piden, o el hijo amable y sonriente que hace lo que le da la gana? La respuesta es fácil: el primero.
Jesús saca de ella una consecuencia asombrosa. Es preferible vivir de mala manera, si al final haces lo que Dios quiere, que vivir de forma aparentemente piadosa y negarse a cumplir su voluntad. Dicho con las palabras crudas del evangelio: es preferible ser prostituta o ladrón, si al final te conviertes, que pertenecer a cualquier organización o institución religiosa y ser incapaz de convertirte. La conversión implica laborar con el Padre en la instauración del Reino de justicia, paz y amor para con toda la creación.
Oración: Permite, oh Dios, que estemos siempre dispuestos a hacer tu voluntad, a ser tus manos y tu voz en medio nuestro. Amén.
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