Friday, June 10, 2022

June 10


Psalm 23: 1-6

Though I walk through the darkest valley I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff  comfort me. (NIV)

Psalm 23: 4

            There’s a Chinese proverb that says, “He who fears to suffer already suffers fear.”

            We have all felt fear at some time. Fear is a sensation of alert and anguish driven by the presence of danger, either real or imagined, such as the fear of death or failure.

            I experienced fear on having to be submitted seven times to surgical interventions. In two of them I was near death. But as a Christian, my prayer to God before entering the operating room has always been precisely this psalm.  

            Just as the author of the psalm, I had the certainty that my God and Lord is with me and watches over me, just as the pastor watches over and protects his sheep.

            Faced with a fearful situation, let us say, as did the psalmist, “I will fear no evil.”


Prayer: Our Father, thank you because we can also trust in you when we’re fearful. Amen. 


Translation by John Walter



Junio 10


Salmo 23: 1-6

Aunque ande en valle de sombra de muerte, no temeré mal alguno, porque tú estarás conmigo.

Salmo 23: 4

            Hay un proverbio chino que dice: “El que teme sufrir ya sufre el temor”.

            Todos hemos sentido miedo alguna vez. El miedo es una sensación de alerta y angustia por la presencia de un peligro o mal, sea real o imaginario: miedo a morir, al fracaso…

            Yo he experimentado temor al tener que ser sometida siete veces a intervenciones quirúrgicas; en dos de ellas he estado al borde de la muerte. Pero como cristiana mi plegaria a Dios antes de entrar al salón de operaciones siempre ha sido precisamente este salmo.

            Al igual que el autor del salmo, he tenido la certeza de que mi Dios y Señor está conmigo y cuida de mí como el pastor cuida y protege a sus ovejas.

            Ante una situación de temor digamos como el salmista: No temeré mal alguno.


Oración: Padre nuestro, gracias porque también podemos confiar en Ti cuando estamos temerosos. Amén.

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