Friday, November 11, 2022

November 11

Christian missionary day


Matthew 8:23-27

Get in my boat, Master, I want you as a passenger. I will not let go of the moorings while you are not inside, because I want you on board when the wind picks up at sea. (NIV)

You bring weariness of centuries, fatigues of eternal love.

Sleep peacefully, Master, I am guarding your rest,

it is enough that you are in my boat, so the winds do not assail me.

Together we have navigated, I as helmsman, you as passenger,

and my boat did not founder because you were inside.


When the waves rose, wrapping my gunwales,

you broke from your sleep and ordered the wind to calm,

and the sea became tranquil, as though in recognition

that in my boat traveled the Lord of the Universe,


and for that, Lord, you are never absent in my boat,

because while I steer, you command the wind,

and I do not fear the storms, although you may be sleeping,

it is enough that you are with me, Christ, Lord and Master.


Ennio Gaud


Prayer: Lord, help us to trust in you as the Ideal Passenger. May we be able to believe that, although the storm may be great, much greater are you who steadies our hand. Amen.


Translation by John Walter




Noviembre 11

Día del Misionero Cristiano


Mateo 8:23-27

Sube a mi barca Maestro, te quiero de pasajero No soltaré las amarras mientras tú no estés adentro Porque te quiero a bordo cuando en el mar pique el viento


Tú traes cansancio de siglos, fatigas de amor eterno.

Duerme tranquilo Maestro, que yo te cuido el sueño

Basta que estés en mi barco para no temerle al viento

Hemos navegado juntos. Yo timonel, tú viajero

Y mi barco no se hundió porque tú estabas adentro.

Cuando las olas subieron arropando  mi velero

Tú interrumpiste la siesta y ordenaste calma al viento

Y el mar se quedó tranquilo como en reconocimiento

De que en mi barco viajaba el Señor del universo


Por eso Señor, ahora no faltas en mi velero

Porque yo manejo el barco, pero tú ordenas al viento

Y no temo las tempestades aunque te encuentres durmiendo

Basta que estés en mi barco, Cristo Señor y Maestro



Ennio Gaud


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