Romans 4: 1-5
.…and do not doubt in your heart but believe that what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you.
Mark 11:23 (NIV)
The story is told that on one occasion when Napoleon Bonaparte was reviewing his troops his horse suddenly reared up. A soldier bravely sprang up and seized the animal, holding him by the bridle, and brought him to the emperor. Napoleon, on receiving back his horse, said to the brave soldier: “Thank you, my captain.” Resolutely the soldier asked, “Of what regiment?” –“of my personal guard,” was the reply.
And that soldier reported to the commander of the personal guard, introducing himself as captain. “By whose order?” the commander asked, seeing that the soldier was a private. And the soldier replied: “By order of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.” And indeed, he was received after that with the military rank of captain. That soldier had the courage to believe the words that were spoken to him, and that changed the course of his later life.
Surely this illustration should encourage us to put our trust in the many promises of God’s Word that are meant to strengthen our faith and encourage us in our Christian life. Do we really believe God?
Prayer: Lord, increase our faith, help us to believe and live trusting in you, let our walk with you not be disturbed by doubts but be surrounded by the radiance of your power. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Translation by Pat Metcalf
Romanos 4: 1-5
…y no duda en su corazĂ³n, sino que cree que serĂ¡ hecho lo que dice, lo que diga le serĂ¡ hecho
Marcos 11:23b
Se cuenta que en una ocasiĂ³n NapoleĂ³n Bonaparte pasaba revista a sus tropas cuando, de repente, su caballo se encabritĂ³. Un soldado se lanzĂ³ valientemente y agarrĂ³ al animal sosteniĂ©ndole por el freno, y lo trajo al emperador. NapoleĂ³n, al recibir de vuelta su caballo, le dijo al bravo soldado: -gracias, mi capitĂ¡n. Resueltamente aquel preguntĂ³: -¿de cuĂ¡l regimiento?; -de mi guardia personal, fue la respuesta.
Y aquel soldado se reportĂ³ al comandante de la guardia personal presentĂ¡ndose como capitĂ¡n. -¿Por orden de quiĂ©n? PreguntĂ³ el comandante viendo a aquel soldado raso. Y este replicĂ³: -por orden del emperador NapoleĂ³n Bonaparte. Y efectivamente, fue recibido desde entonces con tal grado militar. Aquel soldado tuvo el valor para creer las palabras que le fueron dichas, y eso cambiĂ³ el curso de su vida posterior.
Sin dudas esta ilustraciĂ³n nos debe animar a poner nuestra confianza en las tantĂsimas promesas de la Palabra de Dios que tienen como finalidad fortalecer nuestra fe y alentarnos en nuestra vida cristiana. ¿Le creemos en verdad a Dios?
OraciĂ³n: Señor, aumenta nuestra fe, ayĂºdanos a creer y a vivir confiando en Ti, permite que nuestro caminar contigo no sea perturbado por las dudas sino que se vea rodeado del resplandor de tu poder. En el nombre de JesĂºs. AmĂ©n.
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