Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thursday, April 11


John 3: 31-36

The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth; the one who comes from heaven is above all. (NIV)

John 3: 31

One day I asked my father if he would prefer a million dollars or five minutes with Jesus. He answered, “A million dollars.” Believing that my father was an atheist and insensitive because of his response, I protested. He quickly explained to me, “Everyone asks for what they need. If you had asked a millionaire, he would have told you that he would prefer five minutes with Jesus, because he is already rich; That’s why I want a million dollars, because Jesus is always with me.”

Sometimes we think that Jesus is unattainable. Our Big Brother reveals himself to us every day in whom we least expect. Sometimes it manifests itself in the neighbor who extends his hand to us in a difficult moment, or in the one who needs a smile from us.


Prayer: We ask you who are always with each of your brothers and sisters to manifest, in our midst, a humble heart, close to your neighbor. Amen.


Translation by John Walter


Jueves, 11 de abril


Juan 3: 31-36

El que viene de lo alto está por encima de todos; pero el que viene de la tierra pertenece a la tierra y habla de las cosas de la tierra. El que viene del cielo está por encima de todo.

Juan 3: 31

Un día le pregunté a mi padre si prefería un millón de dólares o cinco minutos con Jesús. Me contestó: “un millón de dólares”. Creyendo yo que mi padre era un ateo y un insensible por su respuesta, le protesté. Me explicó rápidamente: “Cada cual pide lo que necesita. Si le hubieras preguntado a un millonario, te hubiera dicho que preferiría cinco minutos con Jesús, porque ya es rico; por eso, yo quiero un millón de dólares, porque Jesús siempre está conmigo.” 

A veces pensamos que Jesús es inalcanzable. Nuestro Hermano Mayor se nos revela cada día en quien menos esperamos. En ocasiones se manifiesta en la vecina que nos extendió su mano en un momento difícil, o en quien necesita de nosotros y nosotras una sonrisa.


Oración: Tú que siempre estás con cada uno de tus hermanos y hermanas, te pedimos que te manifiestes, en medio nuestro, un corazón humilde, cercano al prójimo. Amén.

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