Friday, April 19, 2024

Friday, April 19


Acts 9: 1-20

“Lord” Ananias answered, “I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done toto your holy people in Jerusalem. (…) But the Lord said to Ananias , “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel..

Acts 9:13; 15 NIV

This is one of the many stories in the Bible where Jesus breaks the patterns and what the “human” disciples expected of Him. Among so many men, He chooses Saul, someone from whom they were practically hiding. Ananias does not understand, and interpolates Jesus remembering that he was coming to imprison them precisely because they were his followers... But Jesus in his wisdom shows us that his ways are higher, and even when it seemed almost crazy to help Saul, it was necessary that his heart be touched by God. No one escapes God’s love and it is He who decides the moment and the people He will use as instruments for His work. Our job is to make his will viable, without placing obstacles, and like Ananias, to understand that all of us can be God’s tools.


Prayer: God, may we receive your message attentively. Use us to fulfill your wish. Amen.


Translation by Pat Metcalf


Viernes,19 de abril


Hechos 9: 1-20

Ananías contestó: Señor, he oído a muchos hablar de ese individuo y del daño que ha hecho a tus fieles (…) Pero el Señor le dijo: No importa. Tu ve allá porque yo lo he escogido como instrumento.

Hechos 9:13; 15

Este es uno de los tantos relatos en la Biblia donde Jesús rompe los patrones y lo que los ``humanos´´ discípulos esperaban de Él. Entre tantos hombres, escoge a Saulo, alguien de quien prácticamente se estaban escondiendo. Ananías no entiende, e interpela a Jesús recordando que aquel venía a encarcelarlos justamente por ser sus seguidores… Pero Jesús en su sabiduría nos demuestra que sus caminos son más altos, y aun cuando pareciera casi una locura ayudar a Saulo, era necesario que su corazón fuera tocado por Dios. Nadie escapa del amor de Dios y es Él quien decide el momento y las personas que utilizará de instrumento para su obra. Nuestro trabajo es viabilizar su voluntad, sin poner obstáculos, y así como Ananías, comprender que todas y todos podemos ser herramientas de Dios.


Oración: Dios, que recibamos tu mensaje atentos, y atentas. Úsanos para cumplir tu deseo. Amén.

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