Tuesday December 21
Learning to Listen
I Samuel 3:1-12
Let anyone with ears listen!
Matthew 11:15 (NRSV)
God’s call to Samuel contains nuances that are unique in all the Bible. First of all, Samuel was barely an adolescent, some twelve years old according the the Jewish historian Josephus, but what is most striking is what we find in verse 7, that although Samuel lived in the Temple, he had not yet known the Lord, nor had his word been revealed to him.
If Samuel had to “learn” to discern the divine voice in order to listen, we have in the story another sad case of one who had not learned to listen in the priest Eli himself. God in some way had delivered sentences to him concerning the impropriety of his sons’ conduct (cf. Verse 12) but, as a result, he had not acted.
Listening is not simply knowing that our hearing faculties are working properly.
In his calling, God works in surprising ways, and although it is clear that judgment exists against those who fail in their duty, it is wonderful that God wants to use us in his service if only we are attentive to his voice and are ready to follow it. Let’s learn to listen.
Prayer: Beloved Lord, we humbly ask that you open our ears to learn to discern your Voice among so many other voices that often pretend to raise themselves with equal authority. May we know how to fulfill your will by listening to you and obeying you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Translation by John Potter
Diciembre 21, marte
Aprender a escuchar.
I Samuel 3:1-12
El que tenga oídos para oír, que oiga
Mateo 11:15
El llamamiento de Dios a Samuel tiene matices únicos en toda la Biblia. Primeramente, Samuel era tan solo un adolescente, unos doce años según el historiador judío Josefo, pero lo máás impactante resulta lo que afirma el vers. 7, aunque Samuel habitaba en el tabernáculo aún no había conocido a Yahvé ni su palabra se le había revelado.
Si bien Samuel tuvo que “aprender” a discernir la voz divina para poder escuchar, tenemos en la historia otro caso triste de quien no ha sabido escuchar en el propio sacerdote Elí. A él de algún modo Dios le ha proferido sentencias acerca de lo impropio de la conducta de sus hijos (cf. vers.12), y no ha actuado consecuentemente.
Escuchar no es simplemente saber que nuestro aparato auditivo cumple adecuadamente sus funciones.
Dios obra de modos sorprendentes en su llamado, y aunque queda claro que existe juicio contra quienes faltan a su deber, resulta maravilloso que quiera utilizarnos a su servicio tan solo si estamos atentos a su voz y nos aprestamos a seguirla. Aprendamos a escuchar.
Oración: Señor amado, te pedimos humildemente que abras nuestros oídos para aprender a discernir Tu Voz entre tantas voces que a veces pretenden levantarse con igual autoridad. Que sepamos cumplir tu voluntad al escucharte y obedecerte. Por Jesús. Amén.
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