October 29
Santa Fe Presbyterian Church Anniversary (Sagua la Grande)
Matthew 11:20-24
Change your hearts and lives, and trust this good news!
Mark 1:15b (CEB)
Chorazin and Bethsaida, like Capernaum, were villages of Galilee in which Jesus had preached. Tyre and Sidon were non-Jewish cities that suffered for their evil ways.
Rough clothing and ashes could be signs of repentance, but are not always exterior signs of an inner feeling.
The Jews of that time were not pleased with any of the teachers that God sent them, from there comes the sentence that Christ dares to proclaim.
Let us observe also that it says that the people of Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum are going to be punished with great severity because they heard the Gospel and did not repent, because they were presented with great opportunities in religious matters and did not take advantage of them. It is an alert that we reflect on because we do not realize that it is not enough to hear the Gospel with pleasure. It is necessary that we go further and repent and truly be converted. It is necessary that we welcome Jesus Christ and trust in Him. If not, we will always be on the edge of the abyss.
Prayer: Lord and God, let us pray so that the faith of your children results in a sincere repentance. Amen.
Translation by Deborah McEachran
Octubre 29
Aniversario de la IPR “Santa Fe” (Sagua la Grande)
Mateo 11:20-24
ArrepentÃos y creed en el Evangelio
Marco 1:15b
CorazÃn y Betsaida, asà como Caparnaúm, eran poblaciones de Galilea en las que Jesús habÃa predicado. Tiro y Sidón eran ciudades no judÃas, que sufrieron por sus maldades.
Las ropas ásperas y cenizas podÃan ser señales de arrepentimiento, pero no siempre son señales exteriores de un sentir interior.
Los judÃos de aquel entonces no quedaron complacidos con ninguno de los maestros que Dios les envió, de ahà la sentencia que Cristo se atreve a proclamar.
Observemos también que dice que la gente de CorazÃn, Betsaida y Caparnaúm van a ser castigadas con mayor severidad, porque oyeron el Evangelio y no se arrepintieron, porque se les presentaron grandes oportunidades en materia religiosa y no las aprovecharon.
Es una alerta para que reflexionemos, para que nos demos cuenta de que no basta con oÃr con placer el Evangelio, es preciso que vayamos más allá y que nos arrepintamos y convirtamos verdaderamente. Es necesario que nos acojamos a Jesucristo y confiemos en Él. De lo contrario, estaremos siempre al borde de un abismo.
Oración: Señor y Dios, oramos para que la fe de tus hijos responda a un sincero arrepentimiento. Amén.
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