October 11
Mark 3:20-21
Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat.
Mark 3:20 (NIV)
If we glance rapidly, it seems that this text speaks poorly of Christ instead of speaking well. But if we read between the lines we will find it is not so.
Christ consecrated himself to the Father to fulfill a given mission, concrete to the extreme, which was precisely the salvation of all human beings. And Christ, knowing the responsibility he had, and with an infinite love toward the Father, never hesitated in sacrificing anything to fulfill his mission, for love of the Father and humanity.
If he needed to preach all day, he did it, although this implied going hungry or without sleep, and without even the time to rest. To a certain point it’s normal that on seeing him, his parents may have said, “You are beside yourself.” And clearly, an impassioned person, desiring to bring the Gospel to all people couldn’t appear any other way than crazy before all the others. But before God he is a hero, since his principal motivation is love.
Let us contemplate Christ’s example and imitate him in that craziness for doing good to those who surround us, for the love of Christ and the Kingdom.
Prayer: God, have mercy on us. Bless us and may your face shine upon us. Amen.
Translation by John Walter
Octubre 11
Marcos 3:20-21
Y se agolpó de nuevo la gente, de modo que ellos ni aun podÃan comer pan
Marcos 3:20
Si miramos rápidamente, parece que este texto habla mal de Cristo en vez de hablar bien. Pero si leemos entre lÃneas encontraremos que no es asÃ.
Cristo se consagró al Padre para cumplir una misión dada, concreta a importantÃsima, que era precisamente la salvación de todos los seres humanos. Y Cristo, sabiendo la responsabilidad que tenÃa y con un amor infinito hacia el Padre, no dudaba en sacrificar nada para cumplir su misión, por amor al Padre y a los seres humanos.
Si tenÃa que predicar todo el dÃa, lo hacÃa; aunque esto implicara quedarse sin comer, aunque no durmiera, aunque apenas tuviera tiempo para descansar. Hasta cierto punto, es normal que sus parientes, al verle, dijeran: está fuera de sÃ. Y claro, una persona apasionada por llevar el Evangelio a todas las gentes, no puede hacer otra cosa que aparecer como un loco delante de los demás. Pero delante de Dios, es un héroe, pues su principal motivación es el amor.
Contemplemos el ejemplo de Cristo e imitémosle en esa locura por hacer el bien a los que nos rodean, por amor a Cristo y a su Reino.
Oración: Dios, ten misericordia de nosotros. BendÃcenos y haz resplandecer tu rostro sobre nosotros. Amén.
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