January 30, Sunday
Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19
But you must prepare for battle and be ready to utter every word I command you. Don’t be frightened before them, or I will frighten you before them.
Jeremiah 1:17 (CEB)
God chose Jeremiah to be a prophet before he was in his mother’s womb. Where God sent him, Jeremiah went. After his call he will be directed by the power of the spirit. Even though he resisted due to his natural timidness, he obeyed, knowing that the risks would be what they would be. It is a surprising revelation of the demanding love of God. God had decided to make this young man God’s chosen one, and he takes the responsibility with the strength of bowing down and forgetting his human weakness.
The words spoken to Jeremiah are of value to us as well. We are not some random products in the universe; we form part of God’s eternal plan. The freedom of Jeremiah appears violated at times, but he serves because of the one who gave this freedom. The demands of God will dash all the hopes for happiness for Jeremiah, but also they will carry him into God’s transcendent greatness.
Jeremiah has to bring the creating word of God, which at first was manifested more like a destructing word. His mission to tear down and to destroy, to build up and to plant, will be the mission of any worker in the vineyard of the Lord. There can not be a compromise between the appearances of the Christian life and true faith; the true apostle will be have to destroy in order to build up.
Prayer: Beloved Father, allow us to be always ready to respond to your call. Amen.
Translation by Deborah McEachran
Enero 30, domingo
Jeremías 1:4-5, 17-19
Y tú, ármate de valor; ve y diles todo lo que yo te mande. No les tengas miedo, porque de otra manera yo te haré temblar delante de ellos
Jeremías 1:17
Dios escogió a Jeremías antes de estar en el vientre de su madre, para ser profeta. Donde Dios le envíe, irá, a partir de su llamado será dirigido por la fuerza del espíritu; obedecerá, sean los que sean los riesgos, a pesar de la resistencia de su naturaleza tímida. Es la revelación asombrosa del amor exigente de Dios. Ha decidido hacer de este joven su elegido, y lo lleva por la fuerza a doblegarse y olvidar su debilidad humana.
Las palabras dichas a Jeremías valen también, de alguna manera, para nosotros, no somos productos del azar; formamos parte del plan eterno de Dios. La libertad de Jeremías se ve a veces violentada, pero lo hace como quien le dio esa misma libertad. Las exigencias de Dios quebrarán todas las esperanzas de felicidad de Jeremías, pero tambien lo llevarán a su grandeza trascendental.
Jeremías tendrá que llevar la palabra creadora de Dios, que en los primeros tiempos se manifiesta más bien como destructora. Su misión de arrancar y destruir, edificar y plantar, será la de cualquier obrero de la viña del Señor. No puede haber compromiso entre las apariencias de vida cristiana y la fe verdadera; el verdadero apóstol deberá destruir para edificar.
Oración: Padre amado, permite que estemos siempre dispuestos a responder a tu llamado. Amén.
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