Thursday, March 16, 2023

March 16


1 Peter 3:9

For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you

Matthew 6:14 (NRSV)

Before I knew Christ I was a person full of hatreds and remorse, and the saddest thing is that I felt proud of being that way, of my good memory that would not forget received offenses as well as my attitude in showing it.

My daughter, who had already given her life to the Lord, told me at various times, “Mama, one day you will come to know the Lord, and the first thing that He will do is to cleanse your heart of all resentments.” In my ignorance, I laughed and said, that won’t change anything. However, my daughter spoke in the name of the Lord, and indeed that time came when I came to know Him and gave myself to Him.

Today I have a  heart cleansed of all bitterness; I was able to say farewell to my resentments thanks to having experienced divine love. Today, I confess that I love even those I don’t know and those who don’t love me. I also confess that all glory is to my God who has wrought this transformation in me by which I have a forgiving heart endowed with his goodness.


Prayer: Lord, cleanse the hearts of your children who have not yet felt the joy forgiving as we have been forgiven, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Translation by John Potter


Marzo 16


1 Pedro 3:9

Si perdonĂ¡is a los hombres sus ofensas, os perdonarĂ¡ tambiĂ©n a vosotros vuestro Padre celestial

Mateo 6:14

Antes de conocer a Cristo yo era una persona llena de odios y remordimientos, y lo mĂ¡s triste es que sentĂ­a orgullo de ser asĂ­, de mi buena memoria para no olvidar las ofensas recibidas asĂ­ como de mi actitud en demostrarlo.

Mi hija, que ya habĂ­a entregado su vida al Señor, en varias ocasiones me dijo: “mami tu conocerĂ¡s al Señor un dĂ­a, y lo primero que Él harĂ¡ serĂ¡ limpiar tu corazĂ³n de tantos rencores”. Yo en mi ignorancia me reĂ­a y decĂ­a: eso no lo va a cambiar nadie. Sin embargo mi hija hablaba en nombre del Señor y, efectivamente, llegĂ³ la ocasiĂ³n en la que le conocĂ­ y me entreguĂ© a Él.

Hoy tengo mi corazĂ³n limpio de todo amargura, pude decir adiĂ³s a mis resentimientos gracias a haber experimentado el amor divino. Hoy confieso que amo aĂºn a aquellos que no conozco, y que no me aman. Y tambiĂ©n confieso que toda la gloria es para mi Dios, quien ha hecho esta transformaciĂ³n en mĂ­ por la cual puedo tener un corazĂ³n perdonador y dotado de su bondad.


OraciĂ³n: Señor limpia los corazones de tus hijos que aĂºn no han sentido el gozo que da el perdonar como fuimos perdonados. Por Cristo JesĂºs nuestro Señor. AmĂ©n.

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