Saturday, January 20, 2024



Mark 3: 20-21

Restore us, oh Dios Almighty; make your face to shine upon us, that we may be saved..

Psalm 80: 7

How difficult this whole situation must have been for Jesus, living at times between followers and persecutors, between those who acclaim him and those who hate him! No one understands his actions, not even his own family.

About today’s reading, only 2 verses long, I found these comments that I decided to share because of the language and vision used by the author to describe this moment: 

“Undoubtedly Jesus’ behavior did not conform to their expectations. He was about thirty years old and had not married; he had left his work and his home in Nazareth to go with John the Baptist but had not returned.  News reached them of his controversies with the Pharisees, and even of the threats that were made; and lastly, this pretension of reuniting Israel around 12 Galileans. They were concerned about him, but they did not know what to expect.

“At last, after a long absence, he arrived home with his new companions. So many people were gathered together and there were so many needs,  they did not even find time to eat their bread. When his relatives heard of it they went out to where the people assembled to seize him and take him away with them, for they said, “He is crazy.”

“Sure! One who so gives himself to others to the point of having no time even for himself must be crazy.”


Prayer: Spirit of Life, help us to understand the blessed madness of Jesus Christ and give us strength to stand firm in proclaiming his Reign of love. Am


Translation by Pat Metcalf




Marcos 3: 20-21

Restáuranos, oh Dios Todopoderoso; haz resplandecer tu rostro sobre nosotros, y sálvanos.

Salmo 80: 7

¡Qué dificil debe haber sido para Jesús toda esta situación, viviendo momentos entre seguidores y perseguidores, entre los que lo aclaman y los que lo odian! Nadie entiende su actuar, ni su propia familia.

Acerca de la lectura de hoy, de apenas 2 versiculos, me encontré estos comentarios que decidi compartir por el lenguaje y la visión empleadas por su autor para describir este momento:

“Sin duda que el comportamiento de Jesús no se ajustaba a sus expectativas. Tenia como treinta años, y no se habia casado; habia dejado su trabajo y su casa en Nazaret para ir con Juan el Bautista, pero ya no habia regresado; les llegaban noticias de sus controversias con los fariseos, y aun de las amenazas que les hacian; y, por último, esa pretensión de reunificar a Israel en torno a 12 galileos; les preocupaba él, pero

sobre todo la honra de la familia”.

“Por fin, después de una larga ausencia, llegó a su casa junto con sus nuevos compañeros; y se les juntó tanta gente y habia tantas necesidades, que no encontraron tiempo ni para comer su pan. Cuando sus parientes se enteraron salieron a donde estaban con la gente reunida para apoderarse de él y llevárselo consigo, pues decian ‹‹Está loco››”.

“¡Claro! Uno que as i se entrega a los demás hasta el punto de no tener tiempo ni para si, debe estar loco.”


Oración: Espiritu de Vida, ayúdanos a entender la bendita locura de Jesucristo y danos fuerzas para permanecer firmes en la proclamación de su Reinado de amor. Amén.

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