Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday, August 28th

The Peace of God

2 Thessalonians 3:16

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NIV)

The peace of God is the fruit of the Holy Spirit that when it comes into our minds, anxiety goes away. The peace of God is greater than our understanding, surpassing all our reason.

Paul invited the Church of Thessalonica to enjoy the Peace of God in spite of the difficult circumstances he was facing, being imprisoned. Others had abandoned them and in spite of this, he rested in the Peace of God.

We see and hear things that give us anxiety, yet Paul invites us to enjoy the Peace of God, because only in it can our hearts be guarded from all anxiety. However, the Peace of God is available in Christ Jesus. Separated from Christ, the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in us. And if the Holy Spirit is not within our lives, neither will we have peace.


Prayer: Spirit of Life, surround us with your presence and your precious peace forever. Amen.


Translation by Susan Metcalf Smith


MiƩrcoles, 28 de agosto

La Paz de Dios

2 Tesalonicenses 3:16

Y que el mismo SeƱor de la paz les dƩ la paz a ustedes en todo tiempo y en todas formas. Que el SeƱor estƩ con todos ustedes.

2 Tesalonicenses 3:16

La paz de Dios es fruto del EspĆ­ritu Santo que cuando viene a nuestras mentes, la ansiedad se va. La paz de Dios es mĆ”s grande que nuestro entendimiento, sobrepasando toda nuestra razĆ³n.

Pablo invitaba a la Iglesia de TesalĆ³nica a disfrutar de la Paz de Dios a pesar de las circunstancias difĆ­ciles que Ć©l estaba afrontando: preso, otros les habĆ­an abandonado y a pesar de ello, descansaba en la Paz de Dios.

Nosotros vemos y escuchamos cosas que nos dan ansiedad, sin embargo, Pablo nos invita a disfrutar de la Paz de Dios, porque sĆ³lo en ella puede estar guardado nuestros corazones y pensamientos de toda ansiedad. Sin embargo, la paz de Dios estĆ” disponible en Cristo JesĆŗs. Separados de Cristo, el EspĆ­ritu Santo no puede morar en nosotros. Y si el EspĆ­ritu Santo no estĆ” en nuestras vidas, tampoco tendremos paz.


OraciĆ³n: EspĆ­ritu de Vida, rodĆ©anos con tu presencia y tu preciosa paz por siempre. AmĆ©n.

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