Sunday, May 26th
The Holy Trinity
Matthew 18:16-20
…and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:20 (NIV)
Today we celebrate the Trinity with the certainty that this is the best image of what it means to live in community. Today we celebrate the manifestation of the Triune God in our paths; the presence of God who sustains and protects us; the presence of the strong God of life who dwells in us and drives us; and of Jesus Christ, our Brother, Friend and Teacher.
Just like those disciples, Jesus today sends us out to share his teachings, and he does so under a mandate: to make disciples, to baptize, and to share his teachings with all people. His aim is that we live in freedom and full communion with those around us, through fraternal relationships, on the basis of respect and love, becoming more and more in the image of the Triune God who dwells in us.
Prayer: Help us Lord, not to remain passive before the duty of working for your Kingdom. Give us a heart eager to know our family and friends. Amen.
Translation by Susan Metcalf Smith
Domingo, 26 de Mayo
SantĂsima trinidad
Mateo 18:16-20
Y enséñales a obedecer todo lo que les he mandado a ustedes.
Mateo 28:20
Hoy celebramos la Trinidad con la certeza que esta es la mejor imagen de lo que significa vivir en comunidad. Hoy celebramos la manifestaciĂ³n del Dios Trino en nuestros caminos; la presencia de Dios que nos sostiene y nos protege; la presencia del Dios fuerte de vida que nos habita y nos impulsa y de Jesucristo nuestro Hermano, Amigo y Maestro.
AsĂ como a aquellos discĂpulos y discĂpulas, JesĂºs hoy nos envĂa a compartir sus enseñanzas y lo hace bajo un mandato: hacer discĂpulos y discĂpulas, bautizar, compartir sus enseñanzas a todas las personas. Su fin es que vivamos en libertad y comuniĂ³n plena con quienes nos rodean, mediante relaciones fraternas, sobre la base del respeto y el amor, siendo cada vez mĂ¡s a imagen del Dios Trino que nos habita.
OraciĂ³n: AyĂºdanos Señor a no permanecer pasivos ante el deber de trabajar para tu Reino. Danos un corazĂ³n deseoso de darte a conocer a nuestros familiares y amigos. AmĂ©n
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