Saturday, May 25, 2024

Saturday, May 25th


Psalm 140:1-2, 3 and 8

Rescue me, Lord, from evildoers; protect me from the violent.

Psalm 140:1 (NIV)

How many times during difficult moments have we asked God for help, imploring Him to protect us from all the bad things that are happening to us?

This Psalm is one of lamentation and supplication to God, to free us from those who conspire against us.

His living faith will give us the certainty that the Lord will save us, to our joy, those of us who trust in his goodness and in his power.

There are days when we have faith like Abraham to triumph in everything. There are other days when we lift our eyes to heaven and say, “Give me help me, Lord!”

This doesn't mean that we are strong or weak. We are simply human and limited, absolutely dependent on God. In Him are our strengths, courage, and hope.


Prayer: Loving Lord, thank you for your protection, care, and faithfulness in our lives. Amen.


Translation by Susan Metcalf Smith


SĂ¡bado, 25 de Mayo


Salmo 140:1-2,3 Y 8

Señor líbrame de los malvados; protégeme de los violentos.

Salmo 140:1

Cuantas veces en momentos difĂ­ciles hemos pedido ayuda a Dios implorando que nos proteja de todo lo malo que nos estĂ¡ sucediendo.

Este Salmo es de lamentaciĂ³n y sĂºplica a Dios para librarnos de quienes conspiran contra nosotros.

Su fe viva nos darĂ¡ la certeza que el Señor nos salvarĂ¡, para alegrĂ­a nuestra, los que confiamos en su bondad y en su poder.

Hay dĂ­as que tenemos fe como Abraham para ganar todo. Hay dĂ­as que levantamos los ojos al cielo y decimos: ¡Dame socorro Señor!

Eso no quiere decir que seamos fuertes o dĂ©biles. Somos simplemente humanos y limitados, dependientes absolutos de Dios. En Él  estĂ¡n nuestras fuerzas, valor y esperanza.


OraciĂ³n: Amoroso Señor, gracias por tu protecciĂ³n, cuidado y fidelidad en nuestras vidas. AmĂ©n

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