Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday, July 21


Mark 6: 30-34

When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd …

Mark 6:34ยช

In this passage we see Jesus showing compassion to the crowd that followed him, like sheep without a shepherd. He sympathizes with them and teaches them many things, demonstrating his love and care for those who seek him.

In the midst of our busy and hectic lives, Jesus continues to be our Good Shepherd, concerned for our physical, emotional and spiritual needs. He calls us to rest in his presence, to listen to his voice and to follow him as his sheep.

Let us pray that, as we meditate on Jesus as the Good Shepherd, we may find rest and renewal in his love and care. May we follow Him with confidence, knowing that He will lead us on the way to abundant and eternal life.


Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for being our Good Shepherd, concerned for our needs and caring for us with love and compassion. Help us to rest in your presence and to follow you with confidence, knowing that you will lead us on the way to abundant and eternal life. Amen.


Translation by Pat Metcalf


Domingo, 21 de julio


Marcos 6: 30-34

Y saliendo Jesรบs vio grande multitud, y tuvo compasiรณn de ellos, porque eran como ovejas que no tenรญan pastor…

Marcos 6:34ยช

En este pasaje vemos a Jesรบs mostrando compasiรณn hacia la multitud que lo seguรญa, como ovejas sin pastor. ร‰l se compadece de ellos y les enseรฑa muchas cosas, demostrando su amor y cuidado por aquellos que lo buscan.

En medio de nuestras vidas ocupadas y agitadas, Jesรบs sigue siendo nuestro Buen Pastor, preocupado por nuestras necesidades fรญsicas, emocionales y espirituales. Nos llama a descansar en su presencia, a escuchar su voz y a seguirlo como sus ovejas.

Oremos para que, al meditar en Jesรบs como el Buen Pastor, podamos encontrar descanso y renovaciรณn en su amor y cuidado. Que podamos seguirlo con confianza, sabiendo que ร‰l nos guiarรก por el camino de la vida abundante y eterna.


Oraciรณn: Seรฑor Jesรบs, gracias por ser nuestro Buen Pastor, preocupado por nuestras necesidades y cuidรกndonos con amor y compasiรณn. Ayรบdanos a descansar en tu presencia y a seguirte con confianza, sabiendo que tรบ nos guiarรกs por el camino de la vida abundante y eterna. Amรฉn.

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