Thursday, October 17, 2024

October 17, Thursday


Luke 9: 7–9

Now Herod heard about what was going on (…) But Herod said, “I beheaded John. Who, then, is it that I hear such things about.  And he tried to see him.

Luke 9:7 and 9 (NIV)

We can remember the time when someone told us about Jesus, the son of the God of love. Surely they told us of their personal experience, of how his infinite love worked marvelously in their lives

In the same way, King Herod was impressed by everything that was said about Jesus of Nazareth, his way of acting, his preaching, his attachment to the weakest, his power and authority; he could not believe that what he heard was real, if he had ordered the elimination of his greatest threat since the prophecy of John the Baptist: John the Baptist

Hearing about Jesus invites us, encourages us, puts us on the road to meet him, makes us want to see him and experience his love, care and closeness.

Prayer: Father of goodness, we thank you for those who encouraged us in our desire to meet your son through their personal experiences. We ask you to strengthen us on this path and allow us to always be in your presence. Amen.

Translation by Pat Metcalf


Octubre 17, jueves


Lucas 9, 7 – 9

"El rey Herodes oyó hablar de Jesús y de todo lo que hacía (…) Por eso tenía ganas de ver a Jesús”.

Lucas 9, 7 y 9b

Podemos recordar el momento en que alguien nos habló de Jesús el hijo del Dios de amor. Seguramente que nos contaron de su experiencia personal, de cómo su amor infinito obró maravillosamente en sus vidas.

De la misma forma el rey Herodes queda impresionado de todo lo que se comenta de Jesús de Nazareth, de su forma de actuar, de su predicación, de su apego a los más débiles, de su poder y autoridad; no podía creer que fuera real lo que escuchaba, si él había ordenado la eliminación de su mayor amenaza desde la profecía a: Juan el Bautista.

Escuchar de Jesús nos invita, nos anima, nos coloca en el camino de encontrarnos con él, da ganas de verlo y poder experimentar también de su amor, cuidado y cercanía.

Oración: Padre de bondad gracias te damos por quienes nos animaron en el deseo de encontrarnos con tú hijo por medio de sus experiencias personales. Te pedimos nos fortalezcas en ese camino y permitas estar siempre en tú presencia. Amén.

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